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THE REAL DEAL - Season Four - Episode 63

Jim and Blair walk into the bullpen

Blair: Oh, come on. Didn't you ever watch Braddock's Way when you were a kid?

Jim: Braddock's Way! I watched Banacek.

Blair: Banacek? With George Peppard? Come on!

Jim: He was smooth, he was intelligent...

Blair: He was an insurance investigator. That hardly qualifies as a detective show.

Jim: Then I'd take Mannix. Good with his fists, dry sense of humor.

Blair: Granted, granted. I'll give you that. But Starsky & Hutch, they had the car, right? Mannix, I don't even know what he drove.

Jim: Starsky & Hutch were cops, not P.I.s.

Blair: So?

Jim: Although I can see how Huggy Bear inspired your kit here... (plays with Blair's dark blue plaid suit jacket)

Blair: Hey, hey, back off!

Simon walks by.

Blair: Simon! Simon! Come on. What was your favorite '70s detective show?

Simon: You're kidding me, right?

Jim and Blair: Shaft.

Simon: "That cat shaft with a bad mother..."

Jim: "Watch your mouth!"

Simon: "Talking 'bout Shaft."

Blair: (laughing) You know who we're forgetting here is Baretta.

Vince comes in behind them and joins them.

Vince: Keep forgetting about him, kid. He dressed like a bum and what was with that stupid rooster?

Blair: I think it was a cockatoo, Vince.

Vince: I don't care if it was a frigging pterodactyl. I used to kick his ass every Wednesday night.

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Additional support

FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Season Three - Episode 54

~Same scene a bit later. Blair and Rafe are outside restaurant. A bright pink car pulls up next to the curb.~

Blair: Wait a minute. That's the captain. Hey! If it isn't Huggy Bear?!

* * * * * * *

For transcripts of the entire episodes see Becky's Transcripts Page
- The Real Deal and - Foreign Exchange

Pictures from STARFOX'S MANSION Episode Gallery TSbyBS -3-

and from Blue's Starksy & Hutch Resources and The Screen Gems Starsky & Hutch Page

The Blair Keepers Page

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