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Deep Water - Season Two - Episode 13

~Flashback. Simon's office. Day. Jim enters. Jim is wearing a baseball cap, plus has a mustache and an earring and is wearing rather less than professional clothes.~

Simon: Ellison, my office! Now! I want to know what the hell went on out there this morning!

Jim: I'm not sure what you're referring to, sir.

Simon: Oh? Then let me enlighten you. A high-speed car chase through the middle of downtown at the height of rush hour causing three traffic accidents. Four cars totaled, including the suspect's car. Does that ring any bells, Detective?

Jim: The perp was apprehended and taken off the street, sir.

Simon: Yeah? At what cost?! Do you ever think about what you do?!

Jim: Normally, sir, I just do it.

Simon opens the door and yells out.

Simon: Jack Pendergrast, in my office!

Simon: All right. Here's the bottom line, Jim -- I may be new to this department, but if you think I'm a pushover, you've got another thing coming. You may have been a hotshot on Vice, but around here, you're just part of my dog team! Is that clear?!

Jack comes in.

Jack: Hey, Cap.

Simon: Hiya, Jack. Jim, this is your new partner, Jack Pendergrast.

Jim: Partner, sir? Or baby-sitter?

Simon: Whatever. As of now, you're on probation. You screw up one more time, you'll wish you were back on Vice.

Jim: Is that it, sir?

Simon: Get to work.

Jack: Thanks a lot, Cap.

Jim and Jack walk into bullpen.

Jim: Lead on, kimosabe.

Jack: You'll go real far in this department, Slick.

Jim: Meaning what?

Jack: Meaning fix the attitude if you want to stick around for a while.

Jim: I got an attitude? (bumps in Sheila, spilling her coffee on her blouse)

Sheila: Oh! Great. I just bought this.

Jim: Send me the cleaning bill.

Sheila: Cleaning bill, my ass. You should buy me a new blouse.

Jim: Why don't you try some cold water?

Sheila: Forget it.

Jim: Maybe a couple of happy pills.

Jack: Look, man, we're all trying to give you a chance here. Right now you think you got all the answers. But in this job, that can get you killed.

Jim: I can handle myself.

Jack: I'm sure that you can, but there's always room for improvement. If you're willing to learn. Your choice, Slick.

Jim: Thanks for the chat, Dear Abby.

Jack: Oh, yeah, one other thing. You want to ride with me, get yourself some decent clothes and lose the earring, will you? I wouldn't want the bad guys to get the wrong impression, if you know what I mean. See you, Slick. (goes into elevator)

~End flashback~

~Begin flashback. Day. Jim and Jack both pull up (in separate vehicles) in front of an apartment. A woman watches from inside. They get out of their cars, and Jack heads up to the front door.~

Jack: Bring them in, Slick.

Jim: All righty.

Jim: (on answering machine) Speak. It's your dime.

Jack: (on answering machine) Jim, Jack. Big stuff going on down here, Slick. I'm in a phone booth on the corner of Sixth and Howard and I got a million bucks ransom sitting in my back pocket. The kidnappers should be calling any minute. If you get this message in the next five minutes, get your ass down here and back me up. Oh, yeah, one other thing -- I saw Sanford Dent this morning. As soon as we get this kid back, you and I got some real detective work to do, partner.

For transcript of the entire episode see Becky's Transcripts Page - Deep Water

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