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Malaysian Buddhism


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    Buddhism in Malaysia Georgetown Kek Lok Si (Buddhist Temple) Penang Island  Malaysia  Home      

Photos 1-6 were taken at Kuan Yin Teng Chinese Buddhist Temple in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.  This temple was an actualization of sincere non-stop prayer activity.  At all hours, on all days the temple grounds were busy, a bustling crowd burned symbolic money, lit incense (some of them gigantic incense logs, as thick as my wrist, and nearly my height!) and candles, listened to the resident monks and sat around to gossip with their neighbors.

7 the ashes of believers are preserved along with a few personal effects in this temple.  Photos of the deceased, an urn containing their ashes and a small item or two of importance to them are confined behind glass where their name and dates are inscribed.  

8 was taken at Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist Temple outside Georgetown.   

*** Copyright 2000, Cedar Bough Photography