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VolumeXII , Number II

~The Day of the report is the 26th of March
of the Day of the Lord of Two Thousand and Two~

We had a meeting at the Bar 14 on March 4, 02. Our Bushway was unable to attend so our Segundo Terry (Winter Hawk) conducted the meetin'. Those who came were: Howard (Oracle), John & Deanie, Larry Baker, Alfredo, Bill, Lynn, Wayne, John & Cathy C., Don & Marlene, Terry, Ken, Lonnie, and Myself (2 Mile).

See the MINUTES as put down by Marlene elsewhere in this dispatch. It war a very good meetin'.

We had a shoot on March 16, 02 at the Elk Creek encampment. Those who came were: John, Cathy & AAron Cockrum, Don & Marlene, Terry, Eric, Oracle, Alfredo and Myself (2 Mile), of course John Pidgeon war thar also, since he did us the honor of doin' the shoot for us. It war a fine time, it war!
This war the first time John ever did a shoot, n' it war shinnin' times.Him, not knowin' how us Freetrappers can use up a lot of time yarnin' 'round the cook fire, had a hawk, knife & archery walk set up for us too. 'Course we never did git around ta doin' thet part. Actully, we ate Alfredo's chili & dawgs 'n some bread 'n cheese 'n stuff 'afore we ever started ta shoot.

John C. & Oracle had brandy' new smooth guns to show 'n shoot, too, and Terry had 4 kinds of hardtack he'd made fer us. It all jist' takes a heap a time ta enjoy it!.
John's shoot was a lot of fun. He brought some new ideas to the shoot, and they worked very well. Aaron and Cathy sure were hard on those gongs.

Our next meetin' 'n shoot is April the 13th. that's Alfredo's shoot (Watch yer top knot ) and the final shoot of our 4 month aggregate.
Bring your blanket prize, even if that's the only shoot you could do.
We will have a work party that day after the meeting and the shoot. See you thar!

"Click on pictures for bigger view"

I thought some / most / maybe all would like some information on Che~lo~han as it was experienced by Alexander Ross, Clerk at Fort Okanogan for the N.W. Co., in 1814,
so I'll include
Pages from his book , "The Fur Hunters of the Far West", in the next several dispatches,

"The Book is out of Print".

"I hope you enjoy it as I have".



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