~"Camping with John was always an adventure, the boys are getting ready to go on the trail"
~Things sure look much better the day after, especially when you stay "up all night" keeping the fire going.... well.... at least for some "Mountain Man" that didn't bring enough blankets. ~
"Blackfeather", "Lenny", "One blanket" Kinder, John Genson (RIP), "Two Mile", "Worm Belly" and "Walks in the Night", Lonnie.
"~"This is a fine lookin' "Osage Bow" Lenny, Two Mile says......"
"~Hey Lenny! says Blackfeather that "Osage Bow works better with an arrow on the string!~"
"~This might work, but...I'm 'Lefthandl'er' Wormbelly says~"
"Click on "Sundial/Compass" below"