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3lb. lasagne noodles, cooked or precook sheets; 4lb. italian sausage, cooked and ground; 4lb. ground beef, cooked and drained; 2lb. onions, fine diced, saute in olive oil then cooled; 1lb. mushrooms, sliced thin and saute in olive oil then cooled; 3qt. tomato sauce; 8 eggs; 5lb. mozzarella cheese, grated; 3lb. ricota cheese; 8oz. parmesan cheese
Mix the sausage, beef, onions, mushrooms and tomato sauce together. Add the eggs and the ricotta cheese. Mix well. In a hotel pan, spray the bottom with a little of spray oil or coat very lightly with oil. Place a layer of cooked pasta or pasta sheets on the bottom of the pan. Add the sauce and egg mixture and then top with mozzarella cheese. Repeat this process until all the mixture is used. Final layer should be topped with parmesan cheese and a layer of mozzarella. Bake in a 325° for 45 minutes covered. Allow to rest for 30 minutes before slicing. SERVINGS: 24