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1 1/2T. Butter; 1 Small Onion, chopped; 8 oz. Canned Pumpkin; 1 3/4C. Chicken Broth; 1/2tsp. Cinnamon; 1/4tsp. Nutmeg; 1C. Heavy Cream; Salt to taste; Pepper to taste; Green Onion tops, chopped
Place onion into saucepan. Add small amount of the water and cook onion until tender (about 3 minutes). Do not let onion dry. Add the pumpkin, broth, remaining water, cinnamon and nutmeg. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low, add the milk and reheat until hot. Do not boil. Season with pepper and garnish with green onion tops. May also add more cinnamon or nutmeg for a different taste. 4 servings.
435 Calories; 34 Grams of Fat; 8 Carbs. One Serving = 2 Vegetable Servings for Diabetics