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Page 24

Unfortunately Brigitte and I didn't take the camera on our first hike together. In June we decided to take a hike up my favorite mountian, Col. Bob on the south shore of lake quinault. We also chose this hike because Violet could come (National Forest.) Later in early July we tried to take the back way up and found the road washed out. We walked up the creek that washed out the river and camped

Waterfall on the creek

The trip was not the most pleasant as it was filled with mosquitos and rain. I only found one real picture worthy place on this trip. I was enamored with this little waterfall.

Closer to the Falls

I crossed the creek to get a better angel of the falls. Once I started messing with the camera, Violet and Brigitte started feasting on salmon berries.

Brigitte and Violet

So, I decided to make them pose for a picture with the waterfall and salmon berries in the background. It was a short lived hike and these are all the pictures I took. Next (Page 25)