"I'm really sorrie" Felicity said smiling into a pair of blue eyes, 'much like Sebastian's' she mused but shook her head as if to clear the thought from her mind, "here let me pick that up" she said bending over to pick up the orange she knocked out of the lady's hand. Rising she handed it to her, "once again. .. sorrie" she said and then smiled. "I'm Bulma" the lady said finally extending a smile towards Felicity. "Felicity Velmont" Felicity nodded. "Well apology accepted" Bulma said staring at her strangely, she didn't like the way she felt about the young woman. Nodding under her studious stare Felicity nodded her excuse and wandered away from her and shook her head, "Thats surely someone I dont want to run into again"
Collapsing to the ground after one of the most trying workout Vejita ever had in the gravity room he sighed as he rolled onto his back and counted the spots appearing before his eyes, "Go back and talk to her" he told himself. She was the same girl, same tendencies, speaking pattern, gestures, yet her essence had been slightly altered. Sitting up quickly he felt his head spin as he tried steadying himself for a moment. Hanging his head between his knees he breathed slowly as he debated his course of action. "You're suppose to be dead" he told the laughing image of Felicity in his mind. "You were on the planet when Freeza destroyed it. . .I checked twenty million times. . .It was your death that changed me completely" he thought violently.
"GOKU where have you BEEN?" Chichi demanded as Goku appeared in the garden pulling up some carrots. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she demanded as she ran towards him. "I was hungry" he said smiling helplessly as three carrots hung from his hand. "WE ARENT BARBARIANS" she said hitting him with her hands her eyes blazing. "Chichi. .. is something wrong?" Goku asked catching her hands with his. "OF COURSE SOMETHING IS WRONG! You pulled up carrots from my garden!" she said her eyes tearing. "Chichi I am sorrie. I will go to the market and get you some more" he said nodding. Moving away from him she shook her head and sighed, "why do I even try?" she asked dejectedly as she walked away from him and into the house. Staring after her in confusion he said nothing for a moment, "Chichi?" he called out but she didn't come out. Sighing Goku turned to see Goten marching towards him seemingly lost in thought. "Goten hi. What is wrong with your mother?" he asked as Goten looked at his fater, "Oh hi dad. .. I don't know. . .have you seen Trunks?" Goten asked walking past his father and towards the door. "No I haven't . . ." watching Goten disappear in the house Goku sighed and marched up the walkway towards the house.
"MOTHER" Trunks called as he walked into the house to see Bulma sitting at her lap top on the couch. "No need to scream I am right here" she said looking up at him. "Oh sorrie. . .I got your parts TWICE" he said tossing them to her feet on the couch. "Twice? Thanks. . .Why?" she asked as she pulled out the parts and examined them. "Because I tripped. . .and FELL IN FRONT OF EVERYONE" he emphasized as he pulled out a chilled gallon of water and began drinking it. "Why did you fall hun" Bulma asked. . half distracted. "I mean, ME, President Of Capsule and I fall on my ass in front of half of Japan" he fumed shaking his head and then turned towards her, "and this is why" he said answering her question as he walked towards her and leaned on the couch and produced the sphere. "What is this?" she asked taking it in her hands and turning it over. "I am wondering the same thing. . i tried crushing it with my hands. .. hard as. . .well really hard" Trunks shrugged and straighted. "You men .. .always wanting to destroy something. . "She muttered as she set down the ball next to the many parts scattering around the coffee table. "Have you seen your father?" she asked trying to sound disinterested but Trunks knew better, "No. .. I haven't seen dad" he said slowly.