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Donegal Australian Shepherds

in Western Washington

Hall of Fame Kennel #25

Congratulations to Katie on her recent wins with Dree!  I am so proud of this team!

Katie and Dree BOB Win

Dree and Katie competed in the December 2006 Eukanuba National Championship in Long Beach, California!!!

Dree Won BOB on Sunday, October 9, 2005, at the Halloween Show in Shelton.  His daughter won WB

Katie and Dree winning Group 2 Katie and Dree winning Group 2
CH Donegal Christmas Dream Boy 4 pt Major Seattle AKC

ASCA CH Donegal Christmas Dream Boy

Dree won Winner's Dog, Best of Winner's at the Seattle AKC show on Saturday!!!  Way to go!  4 point Major!

Dree also won 1st place in agility for his second leg!  I am so proud of you, Katie and what you're accomplishing with Dree!!!

Previously . . .
Dree won Winner's dog Saturday, 01/12/2003, under Col. Wm Gish at Puyallup.  Friday he won Reserve!  Nice going Katie!  The 1st leg in agility was fun, too!

CH Donegal Christmas Dream Boy finished September 8, 2002 for his ASCA Champion title taking Winners Dog at the CASC Orchards Park show under Judge Gary Dunlop.  Beautiful job, Katie!

4~H brags Dree and Katie
2002 Pierce County fair~ Grand CH in Fitting and showing with 100 out of 100.
Obed. Reserve Ch. with 195 out of 200
Puyallup fair fitting and showing Reserve CH. 98 out of 100

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