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Donegal Australian Shepherds presents

CH Donegals A Wink And A Kiss

Donegal A Wink and A KissDOB 06/03/02

Winks finished her ASCA Championship with a 5 point major and Best of Winner's at the Saturday show in Graham Summer Spectacular 2005.

See Pedigree
Wink is doing very well in ASCA.  She was bred by Debbie Kishineff in Richmond, B.C. Canada.  Her sire is CKC, ASCA, AKC CH Written And Directed by Timaru, owned and bred by Michelle Sorba of Surrey, B.C. Canada.  Her dam is CKC CH Donegals Snowbound Crowd Teaser (14 ASCA points).  Both Winks' Sire and Dam are on my web site, so go see.

She is full of love for everyone who comes in contact with her and is always ready to play with toys and or go to a show.  I am very proud of Wink's accomplishments and will be showing her at the ASCA shows.  Watch for her. . .

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February 22, 2003 - Saturday in Shelton, WA, under Judge: Marilyn Mincey, our little girl, Winks, took her first points after winning the 6-9 month puppy bitch class, Winner's Bitch for a 5 point major, plus Best of Opposite Sex!  She won over 25 bitches and we are proud.  Watch for her at the next shows being handled by Katie Knudtson. Donegal A Wink And A Kiss - Winners Bitch, Best Opposite Sex

Winks already has three Best of Breed Puppy Wins!

  • 9/8/02 - Winks got Best of Breed Puppy today!  CASC Show at Orchards Park
  • Best of Breed Puppy on Sunday, 9-29-02 under Terri Morgan at the CASC shows at Orchards Park!
  • 10-27-02 Another Best of Breed Puppy win for Winks at the ASC of WA Halloween Show in Shelton, WA.
BOBP - Donegals A Wink And A Kiss - 'Winky'


Pedigree: Donegals A Wink And A Kiss Pedigree for Donegals A Wink And A Kiss
Blue Merle C/W
ASCA #E123214
AKC #DNO4966701
DOB: 6/3/2002

Can/AKC/ASCA Ch Written and Directed by Timaru DNA VP
Ch Blue Isle Dancin On Fablehill DNA CP
CH Sure to be Famous of Tres Rios CD DNA CP
Ch Friends Blue Country DNA CP
CH Dancin Eyes BootsRMadeforWalkn DNA CP
Ch Kaweahs K.C. Darsey CD STDcds DNACP
Dancin Eyes Honkeytonk Harlot
Can Ch Donegal Snowbound Crowd Teaser
14 ASCA points
Ch Caledonias Crowd Pleaser
Ch Jimmee Blue of Adelaide CD
Ch Butterfields Silky Suzann
Supreme Celebration of Donegal CD
Ch Saks Fifth Avenue of Donegal
OTCh Ch Starswepts Gala Affair UDX

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