electric angels are:

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a very special pic
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rock reunion

News! November 05

Site is being reconstructed on Freewebs. I hope to have it up by December 1. I will take all pages down when I have everything up again. I am Moving the Site!

I'd like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding while the site is under construction...I'm currently finding the new template right now. NO more brite purple flashy thing! It even annoys me now.

I'm also scanning in a ton of piccies and stuff that I won off of ebay! WHooooo!

Special thanks to John Schubert who without with wonderful help, i wouldn't have stood a chance....THanks!

the new guestbook!
powered by SignMyGuestbook.com

UPDATED 11-dec-2000 I'm thinking of moving the site...i'm working on that now...i'm a little tired of angelfire's constant pop up! Also happy holidaysThanks to Flao, i now have a copy of EA off of headbangers ball. Rattlesnake_kisses video only. I'm in the process of dubbing it, i need to get a hold of someone...but its so good! i love the video! THanks Flao! =) love is a dangerous drug!
get this gear! !I have a club for electric angels fans who have yahoo id's. Go to yahoo and do a search under clubs, you'll find us and all the other wild things... Love and GLitter!...click ont the dpm banner to get to the site! thanks guys!
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this is raven love is a dangerous drug!
get this gear!

Email: rattlesnake_kisses@yahoo.com