my story part one

my story part 2

It all started when I was visiting Christina here in NY and working on a story as usual. Well Christina was in school and I had some time to myself. I decided to look around. Its not one of my fave things to do, but it helped pass the time. I took a camera along incase I saw something really interesting.

I don’t remember much about what I saw, but I found myself near a garage. Music was emanating from it, familiar music. In fact, it was “Rattlesnake Kisses” I love that song. I love it so much, that I kinda went into the garage and watched as the band played. I know it was stupid, I might have been killed, but I couldn’t help it. And anyway, I met the band.

Jonathan Daniel introduced me John Schubert, Ryan Roxie and Shane. Shane was very sweet about everything, including my looking into his eyes. They’re beautiful, I couldn’t get enough. I think it embarrassed him, especially when John started laughing.

“I’m sorry, but you have beautiful eyes.”

“Gee Shane, did you hear that? You have beautiful eyes.”

“Shut up.”

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”

“Its ok, they look for reasons to tease me.”


“I’m an easy target.”

“Oh, I just thought I’d ask.”

“It’s not a problem. How did you get here?”

“”I really don’t know, I’m visiting from Washington state and was doing a little sight seeing when I came upon you playing rattlesnake kisses, its one of my favorite songs.”

“You’ve heard us?”

“Oh yes. You should see me at home, I sing to it all the time.”

“Cool, someone actually liked us, I didn’t think anyone had.”

“Anyone had what?”

“Liked us.”

“Oh. Are you going to play some more?”

“We’re just practicing, it’s not sounding quite right.”

Its all right, I just want to hear you play, take it home with me as a memory…please?”

“C’mon Jon, it’s not going to cost us anything but time. We can practice with an audience for once.”

“It’s up to Shane, if he wants too, we’ll do it.”

“I don’t know, I have to work in a couple hours, we could always do it tomorrow.”

“How does that sound to you Rachel?”

“Sounds fine to me, but how do I get here? I did just stumble upon you guys.”


“Sure, I’ll pick her up. We can have a nice walk.”

“I don’t want to be a bother.”

“No bother at all, I can call it exercise and get Jon off my back.”

“Do you usually walk for exercise?”

“I’m not partial to it, but it gets me where I need to go.”


“He needs to stay in shape.”

I didn’t say it out-loud, but I thought Shane had a great body. I didn’t want to embarrass him further.

“How are you getting home?”

“Excuse me?”

“I said how are you getting home?”

“I’m not sure, I don’t recall which direction I came from, so I guess I’ll call a taxi.”

“Don’t waste your money, I’ll walk you home before I go to work.”

“I couldn’t let you do that…”

“Its no problem. I probably have to go that way anyway. Where are you staying?”

“On Pine street.”

“With your friend?”

“Of course.”

“Pine Street. That isn’t very far from where I work. C’mon, we can get there in forty minutes if we hurry.”

“All right. Thank you Jonathan, John and Ryan. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you then.”

With those words still in my ears, I took off after Shane. He just walked on silently for about five blocks from the garage. Then he started asking me questions. How did I like New York, what was my favorite color? And so on. I answered them and asked some of my own. By the time we reached Pine Street, we knew each other pretty well. He even took me straight to the house. I though it was sweet and told him so.

“Sweet enough for a kiss?”

“Excuse me?”

“I asked if it was sweet enough for a kiss.”

“That’s what I thought you said. I usually don’t kiss guys I just met, ‘I’m not that kind of girl.”

“I wasn’t asking you to suck my tongue or anything, I meant a kiss on the cheek.”

“Oh. I took it the wrong way didn’t I?”

“Its okay really, usually I have girls falling all over me.”

“Ladies man?”

“So they think, personally I like it when women make me chance them.”


“Really. So tell me, what time do you get up in the morning?”

“Seven. Why?”

“If I’m gonna pick you up, I need to know when. ‘Sides, it’ll help schedule the practice.”

“Fair enough. Pick me up whenever you’re ready, just knock on the door and I’ll come out.”

“Cool, see you tomorrow.”

“Till tomorrow. Shane?”


“I would have kissed you if we hadn’t of just met.”

“I know.”

And he walked off. I don’t know where he went, but I went inside and almost died! I couldn’t believe my good fortune. Christina was home by this time and she wanted to know everything, so I told her. She was just as excited for me. I could hardly wait until tomorrow.

Fortunately the night went by quickly and the next morning at 9:00, a knock came from the door. Christina opened it and there was Shane. I hadn’t expected him until noon really…

“Hello Shane.”

“Morning. Did I wake you?”

“Oh no, I’ve been up for an hour or so. I just didn’t expect you so soon.”

“I am a bit early, I just thought I’d drop by and see if you wanted some breakfast. My treat.”

“Love too. Just give me a couple minutes to get my things.”

“Take your time, we’re in no hurry.”

“The band?”

“Yeah, we all have today off, so we usually practice as long as we can.”

“How long is that?”

“Six hours is our record, then the cops came.”

“Literally. They hauled Jon off to jail.”


“But that’s history. C’mon, I know the perfect place to eat…I hope you don’t mind walking.”

“Not at all, it helps to stimulate the appetite.”

“Doesn’t it though?”

Then we were off. I had no idea where we were going, but Shane had no problem leading me. After all, I am a follower. (Sad but true)

After a very long walk Shane and I finally reached our destination. It was a small restaurant that had opened only a few weeks earlier. The prices were reasonable so I no complaints, besides, everything didn’t come with eggs. I hate eggs!

Over breakfast Shane and I talked and got to know each other a little better. He told me about Nadia and I told him about a little fling I had. (I’ll have to tell you later =)

He wasn’t surprised, nor did he condemn me. He just accepted me. I thought that odd, for no other male has accepted me, even Eric was leery of me. It felt good.

Breakfast finished, we went outside where Shane started doing weird movements with his hands. Kind of moving them in graceful waves. It was weird. But as soon as Shane noticed me looking, he stopped.


“What are you doing?”

“Relaxation steps. Tends to keep me calm.”

“Are you stressed out?”

“No, just hyper. If I don’t do this, I’ll bounce off the walls. It’s not a pretty sight, believe me.”

“Could you teach me?”

“When? Now?”

“Not if you don’t want to, we can do it tonight if you’d like.”

“If I’d like…I don’t know, when I was taught, I was pretty embarrassed.”


“Because you have to get very close to the person, I was fifteen and uh…”



“I understand. I’d still like to learn if you want to teach me.”

“I’ll teach you, tonight, after practice and dinner.”

“Where’s dinner?”

“Johns house, sorry apartment.”

“I thought you all lived together.”

“We did, but Roxie decided to move, and I got sick of Jon’s babying me, so I left. I quit the band actually.”

“But you came back.”

“John convinced me, sides I like the music.”

“That I can see, any new songs?”

“Oh scads. People seem to like them, we’ll be playing some this afternoon.”

“Great! Where are we going now?”

“The garage. I’ll start warming up, Jon will come in son after that, then Roxie and finally John.”

“Is it always like that?”

“Like what?”

“You coming in then Jon, roxie and John?”

“Pretty much, he also has a side band. Jon isn’t too happy about it, but if it makes him happy…”

“You have no complaints?”

“Nope. Let’s go, we don’t have all day.”

“I wish we did.”

“So do I.”

And I did. Shane and I were getting along better than I had hoped. I couldn’t help but smile as we walked to the garage.

Shane started running around the minute he got inside, besides plugging things in, he ran through his scales, everything. I was a little surprised by his seriousness.

“Want to help?”

“I don’t know what I could do.”

“Do you sing?”

“A little, I’m too nervous to sing in public though.”

“No one here but me and the rats. Why don’t you test that mic over there, sing whatever you feel like.”

“I could do that.”


I went to the mic and started fooling around. I didn’t sing anything special, a little bit of “Just Take My Heart” by Mr. Big when the guys came in. All three of them together. I stopped and backed away from the mic.

“You have a beautiful voice.”

“Thank you…I didn’t know you were coming so soon or else I wouldn’t have even attempted to sing.”

“Its okay really, did Shane put you up to singing.”

“Yes. I’m sorry if it bothered you.”

“No, I’m quite happy, you should sing more often.”

“She’s chicken…”


“Well you are…”

“Enough Shane, leave Rachel alone.”


“Are you guys going to play or what?”

“We’re going to play as soon as the guys tune up.”

“Didn’t he do that yesterday?”

“He has to do it everyday or else he won’t be in tune and then we all wouldn’t be in tune.

“You understand don’t you love?”


“Its just a word, I didn’t’ think lover would fit.”

“I would have been insulted.”

“That’s what I thought. Ready Jonathan?”

“Yep. What song shall we play?”

“Let’s let Rachel decide.”

“Fine, pick a song Rachel.”

“I want to hear “True Love.”

“True Love? Oh-kay, Jon do we still have the backing track on that?”

“Yeah, I’ll put it in.”

“Great, “True Love” it is then.” Don’t mind if my voice cracks, I haven’t sung it in months.”

“Just sing it. I don’t want a running commentary.”

“Okay, okay.”

The music started and from then on nothing else mattered. They played every song off of Electric Angels, cover tunes, new songs and solo spots. They only time they stopped was to get a drink. But all good things must come to an end and they finished when Shane started sounding hoarse.

“Damn, its always me who makes us stop.”

“It’s been four hours Shane, I wish I could last as long.”

“Right, okay, fine.”

“He’s right.”


“Leave it guys, y’know Shane is always like this at first. Temperamental musician thing.”


“Leave it right?”

“Actually did you want lunch?”

“How about a light snack? Dinner can’t be that far off.”

“What time is it?”

“About three thirty.”

“Three thirty already? Oh God, I have to call Christina, she’ll be worried sick. Where’s the phone?”

“There’s a pay phone two blocks down, Shane will take you.”

“Why does that figure.”

“We couldn’t hear it anyway. Did you wanna call or what?”

“I want to call.”

“Then let’s go.”

It didn’t take to long to get to the payphone and when Christina answered, I told her I would be late. She wasn’t too happy since her parents locked the door at a certain time and I wouldn’t be able to get in. So I told her I’d stay in a hotel room for the night. It would be easier. With her agreement, I got off the phone.

“Uh, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, but do you need a place to stay tonight? I’m sure one of us could put you up.”

“I couldn’t impose on you…”

“You wouldn’t really, I have plenty of room at my place. You can even have the bed.”

“And where would you sleep?”

“I have a futon in the living room.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Positive. The futon’s more comfortable anyway. It’s like sleeping on the floor

“How uncomfortable.”

“I used to sleep on the floor all the time, I liked it…now I prefer the futon, it’s not as cold.”

“I couldn’t.”

“You’re going to be at my apartment anyway, why not stay the night? You’ll save money.”

“Okay, okay, you’ve convinced me, I’ll stay at your apartment.”

“I knew you would.”


“I knew if I went on long enough, you couldn’t refuse.”


“Hey! I didn’t call you names. That’s not nice.”


“Forgiven. Want to go back to the garage? The others should have broken things down by now.”



“No. I want to go out for dinner and dancing.”

“Dinner and dancing? Aren’t I supposed to ask you out?”

“This is the 90’s, I can ask you out too.”

“Okay, I didn’t mean to offend, I just thought dating was different.”

“No, everything is BI-sexual these days. How about it?”

“I’m not dressed to go out. Hell, I’m not even dressed really.”

“It doesn’t matter. Please, let me take you out, please?”

“It depends on where were going. Have any place in mind?”

“No, I thought I’d let you decided.”

“Can I at least take a shower before hand? I mean it would look better if I...”

“Shut up.”


“I’m sorry Shane, you just started to sound like a broken record.”

“I’m rambling…fuck! C’mon, we’re going to my apartment.”

“What for?”

“So I can shower and change.”

“We are going out?”

“Why not? I deserve it, plus I can show you New York in style.”


“Not too fancy, but you might want to wear a dress. Do you need to go back to your friends house?”

“Yes…dammit, I can’t go back there today, I told her I’d be out all night.”

“Then you’ll just have to buy a dress. Something subtle, not too fancy.”

“Where would I get that?”

“There’s plenty of places, you could go to get a dress, nothing fancy, wait a minute, what size are you?”

“Size nine. Why?”

“Rebecca was a size nine, I haven’t packed all her clothes yet, so there should be something suitable in there.”

“Who’s Rebecca?”

“My ex-girlfriend…she ditched me. Then when I wouldn’t take her back, tried to kill herself.”

“My God.”

“She’s been in the hospital for about three months now.”

“And you want me to wear her clothes?”

“Why not? It’s just collecting dust…”

“Won’t she want them back?”

“Probably, if she ever gets out.”

“I can’ t Shane, it seems wrong.”

“Hey, its no problem…we’ll just go out and buy you dress.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Yeah, you’re going to regret not using her clothing though, she has some really nice things.”


“Really, she was a fashion plate. Why don’t you go out and buy a dress while I go home and get ready?”

“Are you okay?” <> “Yeah, I’m fine…”

“You seem angry.”

“I’m not, I just don’t want to talk right now, okay with you?”

“Would you rather I go back to Christina’s?”

“No, no, I’m just thinking.”

“About what?”

“Everything. Why don’t you get a dress while I get ready…you could take a taxi, they’ll know of a good place to shop.”

“If that’s what you want…where shall we meet?”

“I don’t know, tell you what. Give me a call and I’ll meet you there. From then on, we’ll do anything your heart desires.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay then…”

“Did you need anything from the garage?”

“Just to say goodbye to the others, do you mind?”

“No. C’mon, I’ll take you.”

“Thank you.”

Shane took me back to the garage, gave me his number and left without even a “See ya later.”

“What did you way to him?”

“I told him that wearing Rebecca’s clothing was wrong.”

“I see, can I tell you something personal?”


“Did he tell you about Rebecca?”

“That she tried to kill herself? Yes.”

“Is that all he told you?”


“Then you don’t know the half of it. When Rebecca tried to kill herself, she did it in front of Shane.”

“Oh God.”

And if that wasn’t enough, she and Shane had a suicide pact, about two days after she went into the hospital, Shane was in the apartment, trying to kill himself.”

“What did he do?”

“He slit his wrist. Luckily, he has the sense of mind to call me up…”

“Did he go to the hospital?”

“No, I bandaged his wrist, gave him a sleeping pill and watch him for a couple of days…he seems fine now. But he hasn’t gone out since the attempt.”

“What about your shows?”

“We haven’t played one since then, Shane won’t come out.”

“But he rehearses.”

“That’s as far as he’ll go. That’s why Roxie has the cover band, he wants to be onstage. We all do, but we’re waiting for Shane.”

“Then why go out with me?”

“I don’t know, maybe he’s ready…he’s probably having second thoughts now that he’s actually about to go out.”

“He didn’t need me to tell him that wearing Rebecca’s clothing was wrong. Jon, could you take me to Shane’s place?”

“Sure, c’mon.”

Jonathan drove me to Shane’s place and after telling me the apartment number, left with a roar of his engine. I went up.

I knocked on the door and waited. He didn’t answer. I knocked again and still he didn’t answer. I was about to give up when the door opened.

“What are you doing here?”

“Jonathan drove me, we need to talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. You and I are going out tonight, and you still need a dress. What else is there.”

“The fact that I need to say I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“Jonathan told me about Rebecca. I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“I didn’t tell you.”

“Can I come in?

“Give me a minute, I’m not dressed.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“What do you mean.”

“I mean I’m going to dress in front of you, why can’t you?”

“You at least have clothes on right now...I’m in a towel.”


“So let me pull some pants on, hold on.”

“All right.”

A minute later Shane opened the door. He was in a pair of black slacks, sans shirt.

“Get in, it’s cold out there.”

“Only because you’re not wearing a shirt. Where are Rebecca’s clothes?”

“Rebecca’s closet is the room on the left. I’m sure you’ll find a dress there.”

“I hope there’s something suitable.”

“There should be, Rebecca was a fashion plate. Always something new, everyday. That’s what we argued about the day she…”

“About clothes?”

“About our budget. I was making enough to pay the bills and buy some food. Unfortunately ‘Becca used her money of nothing but clothes and parties. By the end of the month I’d have to starve myself to pay rent.”

“Why did she try to kill herself?”

“I don’t know, depression…you gonna find a dress or what?”

“Find a dress, Rebecca’s room is on the left?”


“Did you want me to show off the dresses to you as I try them on?

“No, surprise me.”

“Okay. Here goes.”

Inside Rebecca’s room I found a virtual goldmine. I couldn’t believe all the clothes she had. It was like walking into Macys! Here was a chance to dress up in a way I never had before. It was redemption.

I found in the drawers, a skimpy black nightie that I would wear to bed that night. Shane wouldn’t see it. I don’t think so. I also found a couple of couple of pair of teal panties. I put one pair on, and found the matching bra. Both were put on, and then I looked into the closet and found the most beautiful silk dress. Then I did my hair with her with her hairbrush and made my pace up with her makeup. I was beginning to think Shane would think that I was Rebecca until I put on my “Fire and Ice” perfume. It had only been on the market for two months. I was ready to go.

“Rachel, are you ready?”

“Yes, close your eyes. I want to surprise you.”

“If you want, I’ll be in the living room with my eyes closed.”

I heard him leave but still waited a few minutes then came out. True to his word, Shane was in the living room. He looked so nice, and when I came out he stood up. His eyes still closed.

“Can I look now?”

“If you want.”

He opened his eyes and I saw them light up.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thanks you. You’re not too bad either.”

“Thanks, so where do you want to go? I mean we’re a little to dressed for club Hopping. The best we could do is tried to get reservations for a fancy restaurant and have dinner.”

“What about dancing?”

“I’m not that good, I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.”

“You wouldn’t embarrass me. I’m not that good either.”

“Make a great couple don’t we? Pick a place and we’ll go, the hell with reservations.”

“Don’t we need one?”

“I have my ways. I’m not in a rock band for nothing.”


“So pick a place.”

“Why don’t you? You know New York better.”


So Shane called a taxi and away we went. He didn’t tell me where we were going, he just gave directions to the driver.”

When we arrived, I was amazed. The place was huge and to this day I don’t know how Shane got us in. But dinner was nice and the dancing fun. Shane and I both made huge mistakes but it was fun. Finally we had to go back and during the taxi ride, I put my head on Shane’s shoulder and sighed.

“What was that for?”

“I just thinking. A week from now, my vacation will be over and I’ll have to go back to Washington.”

“You don’t seem to happy about it.”

“I’m not, when I get back I have to start back at my boring old job, go back to my boring old life.”

“Sometimes boring is a blessing.”

“How so?”

“Well one thing is its safer. You don’t stand as much a chance of getting raped, robbed or murdered.”

“True, but I want a little excitement in my life. None of this reading a book, drinking a cup of hot chocolate then going to bed.”

“Sounds nice.”

“Not if your alone.”

“Hmm, true. Tell you what? While you’re here I’ll take you out on the town. Different places every night make this a vacation to remember.”

“You don’t have to do that…”

“But I want to. Does that sound like a deal.”

“Yes. This will be a vacation to remember.”

Then we were at Shane’s place. Shane showed me to Rebecca’s room and said goodnight. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow…

Morning arrived too soon, and with it came a hangover. I had drunk too much the night before and when I walked into the living room I saw that Shane wasn’t any better.

“You too? This will teach us. Go back to bed, I’ll bring some aspirin.”

“I have to get to Christina’s house.”

“I’ve already called and said you’d be late, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Uh, no.”

“Then go, I’ll wake you if you fall asleep.”


“Does an hour sound good?”


“Then try to lie down.”

“All right.”

So I went back to sleep and woke up three hours later. I was so angry! What the hell did Shane think he was doing?

“Shane? Shane! What he hell were you thinking?

“Huh? Shit! I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep, I didn’t mean too.”

“What time did you tell Christina I’d be back?”

“About then thirty, what time is it now?”

“Ten thirty-five. Shane, you’ll be the death of me!”

“It won’t take you long to get dressed, call her and say you’re behind schedule.”

“Don’t you have to work today?”

“No, I have the day off. Thank God. Hurry up, I’ll drive you to her place.”

“You have a car?”

“Of course, I just don’t have a license.”

“You don’t have a license?”

“Revoked…I’m a terrible driver.”

“You don’t have to take me.”

“Don’t be silly, now hurry up, I’ll drive you to Christina’s. Move!”

I went back to the bedroom and threw my clothes over Rebecca’s nightie and ran out again. IN that time, Shane also got dressed.

“Ready? C’mon then.”

Shane pulled me down the stairs (faster than the elevator) and brought me down to an old car.

“It isn’t much, but it runs in emergencies.”


“Do you want to drive?”


“Then shut up, get in the car and let’s go.”

“Yes sir.” And so Shane drove me to Christina’s house. That should have been the end of it but Shane had promised to take me out for the rest of the week and though I didn’t say anything about it. Shane asked if I still wanted to.

“If you still want too.”
