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If you know of any other Wormy related links on the web, please e-mail me at and I will be glad to post them here.


Kenny (aka K.K.DragonWolf) has an excellent Wormy site. He is currently undertaking writing a new Wormy strip. It is called Wormy 2000. He plans on picking up the story where it left off. He already has one installment done. His drawings are top notch. I love his drawings of the Trolls and Irving. The URL for that site is: You Gotta See This Site!

Steve Sweeney gave me the inspiration for this site. There is still some good Wormy info there, but his archive has been down for a few years now. Check out his guestbook and you will realize that there are still tons of Wormy fans out there, hungry for more. Steve's site is: .

Barbara Manui and Chris Adams of the Yamara fame have a page dedicated to Dave, they talk about the mystery of his disappearance. This page is worth a read. It has not been updated in about two years, but good none the less. .  Ed Liberatore supplied me with a link at the Yamara site with an update on the whereabouts of Dave. I agree with the update. (thanks for the correction, Saul).

Ed Liberatore also sent me another link that is presumably a letter from a TSR insider (name not disclosed) from about the time Tramp packed it in. Read it here: