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The Cable Stayed Bridge

SR 397 from Kennewick to Pasco

This bridge is officially known as the Ed Hendler Bridge.

The cable stayed bridge between Kennewick and Pasco was built about a hundred feet upstream from the original highway bridge between the two cities. The older bridge had opened to traffic in 1922. The present bridge opened in 1979. The old bridge remained in place for several years. A preservationist group wanted the old bridge saved for use as a pedestrian-bicycle bridge. Finally the preservationists lost their last court appeal. The observation platform just off the photo to the right uses one of the piers from the old bridge.

The cable stayed bridge was originally owned by the Cities of Kennewick and Pasco. The bridge became part of SR 397 effective April 1, 1992.

This photograph was taken in September 2001 with Kennewick in the foreground.

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