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State Route 304

When first posted as such in January 1964, SR 304 began at the junction of Callow Ave and 6th St in Bremerton and headed east on 6th, then south on Washington to the State Ferry Terminal. At the time, Callow was part of SR 3. In the mid 1970s, SR 3 was rerouted to a freeway a mile or more west of Callow. SR 304 was extended south and SW along former SR 3 to meet SR 3. At some point in the 1970s or 80s, the E-W portion of SR 304 was shifted a couple blocks south from 6th St to Birdwell St. In 1994, the Seattle-Bremerton ferry route was explicitly made a part of SR 304. In 1999, Pacific and Washington became one way streets from Birdwell to the ferry terminal. Today, SR 304, excluding the ferry route, is 3.24 miles long. Some realignment work on SR 304 was completed between Birdwell and Jct SR 3 in 2002.

Before 1964, SR 304 had been a branch of PSH 21.

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