Regis: ...getting a lot of notice and here she is, Alyson Hannigan. Alyson!
[Enter Aly in a pastel-colored dress and that hair-don't. They exchange pleasentries]
Regis: Is that dress made out of what I think it is?
Alyson: It's paper. [little giggle]
Regis: A paper dress.
Alyson: Yeah, isn't it great? I feel very recyclable.
[Audience laugh]
Regis: I've really never seen one before.
Alyson: The tan makes's awesome.
Regis: And she colors it by hand or...
Alyson: I have no idea what she does.
Kathie Lee: But it doesn't rip? It's strong enough...
Alyson: Well, I'm hoping not!
Alyson: I was a little worried about sitting in the chair. I was 'Oh gosh, please don't rip!'
Regis: Can I touch it?
Alyson: Yes, go ahead.
[Feels the dress near the bottom hem by her leg]
Regis: Yeah, it's paper.
Alyson: Isn't it great?! It's so comfortable.
Regis: Nice to have you here on the show.
Alyson: Thanks for having me.
Regis: And boy, are things looking up for you.
Alyson: Yeah
Regis: The Buffy thing on TV, American Pie in the movies, owns two houses. [To Kathie Lee] You know what she does? She's like you. She gets houses and then renovates them.
Alyson: Right. Well I don't myself.
Regis: Right, but you contract, sure.
Alyson: Right
Kathie Lee: It's a fun hobby, isn't it?
Alyson: Well, I wouldn't call it a hobby so much because I'm not very productive. I've been so busy that I haven't been at my house for people to come give me estimates.
Regis: I think it's the worst experience you can go through is to try to renovate. We're adding on. It started in November. We are still there with these guys living with us.
Regis: They become part of the family!
Kathie Lee: They do.
Alyson: That's great!
Regis: Oh yeah, it's terrific.
Kathie Lee: Pick your contractors very carefully. Make sure it's somebody you want to live with.
Alyson: Definetly.
Regis: So now you've got quite an entorage in your home. You've got the dog...
Alyson: I've got dogs, I've got cats, I've got mice, and roomates.
Regis: Well everybody's got mice!
Alyson: No, no, no, they're my pets. I have two mice.
Regis: No kidding.
Alyson: Pixie and Petunia
Regis: And do they live in a cage?
Alyson: Yes! Oh gosh...
Regis: Yeah
Alyson: Yeah and they have the little, you know, thing where they get to go and the little tunnels [pantomining in mid-air]
Kathie Lee: The treadmills and stuff.
Alyson: And a wheel. It's very cool.
Regis: Wow
Alyson: Yeah
Regis: I've never heard of mice as pets.
Alyson: But they're nocturnal and sometimes they like to take...they have these little wood chew things and they take it in the wheel and then when they run the thing goes flip, flip. I'm like...
Regis: You're up all night with your mice running around...
Kathie Lee: Screaming at her mice to go to sleep.
Alyson: Yeah!
Regis: You got a boyfriend?
Alyson: Yes I do.
Regis: Do you really?
Alyson: [sweetly] Yeah, he's great.
Regis: What does he do?
Alyson: Um, he's a...
Regis: He walk around the house in his own paper little shorts?
Alyson: Uh, no, he's a drummer.
Regis: So, he's a drummer?
Alyson: He walks around like this [pats her legs rythmically]
Regis: They got that music in their heads, those guys.
Alyson: Yeah!
Kathie Lee: Shirley Temple was your big influence as a child.
Alyson: I loved Shirley Temple.
Kathie Lee: Wasn't she the most amazing talent? She still is.
Alyson: I just wanted to be her. I wanted the curly hair and the little dimples and to be able to sing and dance. She was adorable.
Kathie Lee: Now, the movie you're in is not quite a Shirley Temple movie.
Alyson: [laughs] Hardly...
Kathie Lee: Hardly. Now it's getting a lot's quite controversial, wouldn't you say?
Alyson: Well, it''s a raunchy movie. But it's funny. It's so funny.
Regis: How raunchy is it?
Alyson: It's, well I, it's not South Park. But it's, um...
Regis: Yeah? American Pie. Well, what's it about?
Alyson: It's about four teen boys who are really, really excited about losing thier virginity and they make a pact that they're gonna, you know, support one another to try to proceed, and like, wooing the girls of the school to uh, and they wanna lose their virginity before prom.
Regis: [coercingly] And what is your part in this movie?
Alyson: I play sort of...she's a band geek, and uh, Jason Biggs' character sort of gets embarrassed so nobody will go to prom with him and he winds up with me.
Regis: And he's one of the four?
Alyson: Yes
Regis: He takes you to the prom?
Alyson: Yeah, not by choice. I'm just the only girl that would go with him.
Regis: [sweetly] Ahhh...
Alyson: So, it's great. I love the character that I play. She's so funny. She talks in question form and she's always...
Regis: Like what? Give us an example.
Alyson: Well, she always starts with "one time at band camp"...
Regis: Let's do something right now. [To Kathie Lee] You're pretty good at this, too. You answer her in your...
Kathie Lee: Valley Girl?
Regis: Yeah, why not.
Alyson: [laughs] Well, she would be like [in Michelle] "this one time at band camp..."
Kathie Lee: [valley-speak] No way!
Alyson: [switches to Valley style] Yeah! [she laughs] Oh see! Now I just went into you!
Regis: I know what you're saying. They end up on the end of the sentence.
Alyson: Yeah, and it was written in question form and it's just, like, you talk and you're like "What are you doing? Where are you from? What planet?" You know? I loved playing that. It was so fun.
Regis: But that's the latest 'speak'
Kathie Lee: Fer sure!
Alyson: Whenever I see somebody or talk to somebody like that, I'm totally stealing from them. I'm so intrigued by people who talk differently 'cause I'm gonna use that later as a character.
Regis: Absolutely. So, how was your audition for American Pie? We just had, uh, Jennifer Episito. [To Kathy Lee] Who did we have on the show yesterday or the other day?
Kathie Lee: From that movie?
Regis: ...who talked about an audition.
Kathie Lee: Jennifer Episito.
Regis: Yeah, Jennifer Episito.
Kathie Lee: One that she didn't get.
Regis: She didn't get it.
Kathie Lee: It was heart-breaking.
Regis: You could see that she was disappointed.
Alyson: Well, for my call-back of American Pie, I had just come from lunch with my managers and I had, probably, twelve iced-teas. And then I sat in traffic for forty minutes. I had to pee so bad.
Alyson: I thought my bladder was going to explode. And so, you know, I get that nervous energy of, like, "Please let me..."
Kathie Lee: Well, if it happens in that dress at least you have toilet paper!
[hysterical laughter]
Regis: Kathie Lee! vixen!
Alyson: Yeah! No, this woulda been...
Kathie Lee: There's a reason for it...
Alyson: Absorbent kinda dress.
Kathie Lee: Right! So what happened?
Alyson: So, basically, I park the car, run to the bathroom, and then as I'm washing my hands they call my name. I'm like "Okay, I gotta go in...". So I had no time to, like, settle down of that energy of "Ohhhh! I gotta pee!!!"
Kathie Lee: That probably worked in your favor for the character.
Alyson: Well, it did, I guess. But I went in there and, you know, I did my lines and I was sooo over the top and corky and I walked out of there going "They think I need to be institutionalized!" I was so energetic and just like [hyper] "and this one time at band camp!" And then...
Regis: And you got it?
Alyson: And then I did.
Kathie Lee: Well, we're going to see a clip...
Regis: Yeah, we're gonna see how good you are...
Kathie Lee: We'll be the judge of that...
Regis: A clip from American Pie next.
[Commercial break]
Regis: Alyson Hannigan is our guest, stars in American Pie and also, of course, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and is a big soccer fan. And tomorrow is the world series of soccer, isn't it?
Alyson: I know! Yeah, it's exciting.
Regis: The Americans ladies against the Chinese team.
Alyson: Yeah, and the, oh...I'm so excited. I wish I could be there.
Regis: Did you play yourself?
Alyson: I did. I started playing when I was three years old on a, like, all boys team. I was the only girl. We were the "mighty mights". And the ball was as big as my legs.
Regis: Yeah
Alyson: And I just loved it. I was on teams for about ten years and then I got hurt and then I had to stop. But I play now every once in awhile.
Regis: See, I always thought there wasn't enough scoring in soccer. There was a lot of running up and down.
Alyson: There is.
Regis: Boy, and those kids knock themselves out.
Kathie Lee: You really have to be're aerobically challenged when you play soccer.
Alyson: Oh, definetly.
Regis: But all of a sudden this women's team, this American women's team is brought into the limelight...
Alyson: Oh, they're awesome.
Kathie Lee: I'm glad. It's great.
Regis: I hope they win tomorrow. That would be great. Tell me about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. How many years has that been on now?
Alyson: We will be going into our fourth season.
Regis: Wow.
Alyson: Yeah.
Regis: Now, you play her best friend.
Alyson: Yes
Regis: Now do know what? I haven't seen too many of those. Do you know she's a vampire slayer?
Alyson: Yes, but the general public doesn't know.
Regis: But have you ever seen a vampire on the show?
Alyson: Oh yeah. I think I've staked a couple of 'em.
Regis: No kidding?
Alyson: Yeah.
Kathie Lee: What do you mean you think you've staked...
Alyson: Well because...
Kathie Lee: How do you forget that you've staked a vampire?
Alyson: Well 'cause you don't actually do it.
Kathie Lee: Oh, so it's like virtual...
Alyson: Yeah, it's like computer...but no, I think I've probably killed, like, two.
Regis: Ah ha. Good for you.
Kathie Lee: And how many has she killed over the years?
Alyson: Oh, goodness...
Regis: That Buffy is everywhere.
Alyson: two-thousand.
Regis: Where would we be without Buffy?!
Regis:That's the way I see it.
Alyson: We'd be overrun with vampires.
Regis: Now, have you done all four years?
Alyson: Yes!
Regis: Well, so, you're hot kid.
Alyson: [blushing] Ahhh...
Regis: You really are.
Kathie Lee: Well, let's see her in this American Pie. Let's see how she is Reeg.
Regis: Tell us about the scene. This is the scene where...
Alyson: This is the scene where Jason Biggs' character, Jim, has just been humiliated over the Internet and no one would talk to him.
Regis: You know, I'm sorry, I find that so sad when kids, boys or girls...
Kathie Lee: ...they start these rumors...
Regis: ...can't find someone to go to the prom with.
Kathie Lee: Oh, that!
[Aly laughs]
Regis: Why does that break me up?
Kathie Lee: They get over it.
Regis: It kills me. They get over it but I don't!
Regis: All right, let's take a look at this clip now where she gets asked to the prom.
[Cut to clip. Jim and Michele are sitting in desks in a classroom]
Michele: ...and this one time, we all lost our music and we were supposed to play this song, but we didn't know it, so we just made it up and we kept playing and playing and the conductor didn't know what we were doing and it was so funny!
[Jim justs looks straight ahead]
Michele: You know what I do when I'm angry? I just play some Bach on my flute. It's so relaxing! I learned to do that at band camp...
Jim: Hold on, um. You have no idea why I'm angry?
Michele: Is it because we have a test tomorrow? Sometimes I get cranky when I know we have a big test that I have to study for.
Jim: [laughs] Yeah! Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Michele: I thought so, because this one time at band camp...
Jim: [interrupts] What's your name?
Michele: Michele
Jim: Okay, Michele. Um, do you want to be my date for the prom?
Michele: Really?! You seriously want to go with me?
Jim: Yes. Seriously
[Cut back to reality. Audience clapping]
Regis: Well, now, is this one of the this one of the guys that has made this pledge?
Alyson: Yes. 'The Pact'. Yeah.
Regis: Oh my gosh...
Alyson: Yeah...
Regis: I don't want to ask how this turns out.
Alyson: Ah, yes. Well...
Regis: Is it any good?!
Kathie Lee: Stop it Regis!
[Aly and audience laugh]
Alyson: Yes, I would say you can't really judge her by...
Regis: Yeah. Well he was no...
Alyson: She has more to her than just band.
Regis: He was no prize, this guy.
Kathie Lee: Yeah, he's no picnic in the park.
Regis: Yeah absolutely.
[Aly giggling]
Regis: Him looking at you like, you know, he was annoyed.
Alyson: Well, there's more to it. You just have to see the whole film.
Regis: I'll bet we do. All right, well American Pie opens today and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tuesday nights, of course. You got a big finale coming up, right?
Alyson: The season finale was postponed and now it's coming on this Tuesday.
Regis: Is it one of those hair-raising...
Kathie Lee: It's about a shooting at a school, right?
Alyson: No, no no no. Well our big finale...well there's a big demon thing.
Regis: Ah.
Alyson: It's...
Kathie Lee: I can't keep up with all this!
Regis: I know. I thought it was that, too. But anyway... Okay, so it's 8 o'clock this Tuesday night. A lot going in your...
Kathie Lee: Good to meet you!
Regis: Thanks Alyson!