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This Page is for You!

Send me any stories and pictures that you have of Jason and I will put them on this page.

My e-mail address is

This angel was given
to Jason by one of
Jason's special friends,
Dyanna. Thank you Dyanna.

Story remembered by Clay: When Jason and Clay were around 10 years old they went to Bible school. They had been painting pictures, and decided to paint their faces all up with different colored paints. The teacher got so mad at them, she sent them to the preachers office. Brother Sam took one look at them and he laughed so hard. He decided that their punishment would be to have to stand there and look at their faces in the mirror. they stood there looking in the mirror and laughing.

Story remembered by Matt Bens..: Me and Jason used to skate everywhere all over town. I had broke my arm one time and had to stop skating for awhile. Finally after it healed I was able to skate again so me and Jason were skating one day. We skated to St Mary's church because they had good handrails there. And we were grinding those rails. I fell off the end of the rail and landed hands first on the ground. It broke my arm again and the bone was sticking out. Jason panicked and the first thing he did was come and grab that arm and started dragging me to get help. I told him to let go and go and get help while I laid under a tree. It was on a Sunday and they were having church service there at St Mary's. Jason ran in the church and yelled, "help help, my friend needs help"..well it worked..there was a bunch of old ladies who came out there, talking to me and Jason trying to calm us down. I finally got carried to the emergency room.

Story remembered by Chad: One night Jason, had, Angela and Sarah were going to stay up and watch movies. They decided to go riding around. Jason saw an ice chest, he decided to go and see if there was anything to drink in it. He stuck his hand down in it and Chad said the look on his face was so funny. He ask Jason what was the matter and Jason said "you don't want to know". Jason pulled his hand up. The ice chest was filled up with fish guts. He said they stunk so bad, that Jason couldn't even touch his steering wheel to drive. He had to drive with one hand. All night long Jason kept washing his hands but he could never get the smell off.

At the Georges party: Brandon, Bill and Brandy watch as Chris and Jason pass the lifesavers on the toothpick. Tina G. said that she passed out tic tacs before they played this game and nobody knew why. She said that she didn't want anybody to have bad breath before they played this. Jason thought that was so funny. Jason was the winner of almost every game. They played How Many Marshmellows Can You Stuff In Your Mouth and Jason won by getting stuffed with like 19 big marshmellows. They played Smile If You Love Me and Jason was the only guy that could make EVERY girl there smile.

One morning we woke up and there was this sign in our yard that said Jason is Scandless

In Jason's 10th grade year he made up this word "scandless". He had all of the kids at school and all of the teachers saying it. This was in the School Paper the Warrior News and Views
by Justin Parish
Jason Jeffress is a first year student at West Side this year. He is a sixteen year old male. He came to West Side because his parents made him. Jason enjoys skateboarding, cruising the streets, and playing his Sony Play Station. He is known around West Side as a comedian. If you see him around the campus, ask him about"SCANDLESS."

One morning we woke up and found this pumpkin scarecrow sitting on top of Jason's blazer

I remember one night Jason, Heath and Matt Benson came in and Jason went and ask moma for the clippers that she shaved the dogs hair with, he said that Heath wanted him to shave his head. Moma said Jason we use these to shave the dog and all around his butt, Jason said well don't tell him, I want to shave his head. So he did, and Heath never knew it was the dog clippers, and said Jason did a better job than his barber ever did.

Stephen and Jason working serving the new drink surge at Wal Mart, they kept getting in trouble because they would give all of their friends a lot to drink and fill up their glasses with the surge.

Jenny (Our Cousin)
My Dad and I used to give Jason a ride home from school everyday. We would always listen to the radio, I remember the song Wild Wild West came on, My dad said it was his favorite song and Jason said it was his too. We turned it up really loud and he sang every word of it. Now everytime I hear that song it reminds me of Jason.

I remember one time Jason and Matt Bens.., Megan P.,Callie, Moma and me were all coming home from out of town. It was almost dark and a big 12 point buck came out of nowhere and hit our car. It fell dead on the road. As it was laying there it had it's mouth open and tounge hanging out. Jason had been chewing gum. He took the gum out of his mouth and placed it on the deer's tounge. When the policeman drove up he shone his flashlight on the deer. We all fell out laughing because it looked just like that deer had been chewing that gum.

Story remembered by Chris: One year at Victory Bible Camp a bunch of us were in a cabin with Jason. Roger C. was our counselor and I was the Jr. counselor. Roger had to leave a day early and so that meant that I would be in charge of the cabin and the guys. As soon as Jason found out Roger was leaving he got so excited. He said "we have got to plan something big." All cabins usually got into something or pulled some joke on somebody. Usually jokes like putting someones boxers up the flagpole or something like that. Well, Jason planned and schemed all week and came up with the perfect idea (he even had to draw the plan out on paper). The plan was that at 2:00 a.m. two of us would go to the church bus that was way on the other side of the camp and honk the horn, and two of us would go ring the church dinner bell which was in front of the dining hall way across camp from the bus. We would do this at the same time. Jeremy, our youth director, was sleeping in the loft over the tabernacle in the middle of camp so he could catch anyone getting into mischief. The plan was, me and Josh would go and honk the horn. Jason and Roy Lee would start ringing the bell as soon as they heard the horn honk, they would ring it until the horn stopped. Well, 2:00 in the morning came and we all got up, got dressed and me and Josh went to honk the horn and Jason and Roy Lee went to ring the bell. We got to the bus and started honking and the horn got stuck. We tried everything to get the horn to stop. We tried to cut the cables but couldn't find them in the dark. We body slammed the steering wheel and everything, so we finally gave up went back to the cabin took off our clothes and got in bed. We were all laughing so hard. As soon as we got quiet, we heard "DING, DING, DING". We had to get up, get dressed and go get Jason and Roy Lee. When we got them we all laughed so hard we thought we would die. They never found out who it was until the other day when we had a time of remembrance of Jason at church and I told this story and then Jeremy said "THAT WAS YA"LL I thought it was ....."

Chris and Roy Lee