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My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless christmas trees around the world below

With tiny lights, like heavens stars, reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear

For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many christmas songs that people hold so dear

But the sounds of music can't compare with the christmas chior up here.

I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring.

For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,

But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart.

so be happy for me dear ones, you know I hold you dear,

And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.

I sent you each a memory of my undying love.

After all love is a gift more precious than pure gold.

It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other, as my Father says to do.

For I can't count the blessings or love he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.

Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

This poem was written by a 13 year old boy who died of a brain tumor that he had battled for 4 years. He died December 14, 1997. He gave this to his mom before he died. His name was Ben

My Dear Jason,
Today is Thanksgiving and we went to Mamaws, it was so sad because you were not there. I hope you can look into our hearts and see the hole that is there because you arent here to fill it.

As always, on this day we got our Christmas decorations down from the attic and the first thing I opened had the stockings in it and the first one said JASON. My heart just broke again. I miss you so much. So now, I wonder, do I put this out, or do I put it away. In holding it I remembered all of the years that Santa had come and stuffed it full. Over the years this stocking has held firecrackers and bottlerockets for you to shoot during New Years, tapes and CD's and watches and candy, McDonald gift certificates and On Cue gift certificates. It makes me think of Christmas past when you were a little boy and how I could never get you to go to sleep you were so excited waiting on Santa to come. I would get up and think you were asleep, I would sneak in the living room and turn on a light and you would be sneaking in the hall lurking around the corner peaking.

I remember a few years ago we had gone shopping for christmas presents and we made you stay at home because we were buying special things for you and Jana. You were so excited you couldn't stand it. When we got home we couldn't find you and you had climbed the tree in the front yard and you were dressed all in camo and had binoculors looking trying to see what we came home with. I really had to watch you and hide the presents good because you were so sneaky. One time you even got up in the middle of the night and snuck in the living room and looked at everything Santa had left before anybody got up and then went back to bed.

I remember when you were little you used to get the Sears wishbook and pick out everything you wanted and your list would be pages long. Then after Callie was born you started helping Santa put out all of the presents. Santa is really going to miss you.

I bet your friends won't believe this. Our family had started a tradition to read the Christmas story from the bible in Luke 2 and we would pray before we all went in to open the presents. Every year you would always be the one to say, we ARE going to read the Christmas story before we go in to see what Santa brought aren't we, and you would cuddle up to me on one side and Jana on the other and I would read to ya'll, then we would all pray.

I guess I will pack your stocking in the chest with all of your other memories. I know what we will do. On Christmas we will go out to your grave and read the Christmas story there this year. Maybe that will be our new tradition since that was one of your favorite things to do on Christmas Day.

I hope you know how much I miss you (my sweet boy) and I love you so much, things will never be the same in our family without you here. I hope you are having the best Christmas ever this year in Heaven.
Love always, Moma

Pictures of Christmas

Whitney and me at the parade this year. This hat I have on was Jason's hat that he wore when he skated in the parade a few years ago.

We would have much rather gotten Jason a new stereo for Christmas but here is what his headstone looks like. Merry Christmas Jason! We Love and Miss you! Christmas '99