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The Family he left behind

Our last family Portrait 1997

Jason's sisters Jana and Callie

Jason and Callie

Jason and me watching a movie

Callie with our Dog Champ and our cat Buzz

Me, Moma, and Callie

Jason's family last Christmas 1998

Have you ever heard that if you committ suicide that you would not go to heaven? Alot of people I have talk to seem to think this. The Bible does not say that anywhere. I know that in the Old Testiment one of the Ten Commandments says "thou shall not kill". Jesus came for our sins. People kept sinning and breaking the commandements. That is why God sent his son. That is why Jesus died on the cross. So that we could live forever in heaven. The Bible does not say if we are good, and keep all of the commandments, we will go to Heaven. The bible says that if we confess our sins and beleive in the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be saved. Alot of people ask,"how can you go on living in that house after what happened." My mom says, Jason was a Christian, and when a Christian dies, angels come and take them to Heaven. So can you believe that God sent mighty beautiful angels from his throne and they came into our shower and took Jason up to heaven. It is like our shower is holy or sacred now. My cousin called the other day and I found it very interesting that he did a study on people that were mentioned in the Bible that had committed suicide. There were seven people mentioned in the bible that had committed suicide. Out of the seven, six of them loved God and went on to heaven. Only one of them went to hell, and that is because he didn't believe in God.Here is who they are:
1. Abimelec - Judges 9:50:57
2. Samson - Judges 16:21-31
3. Saul - 1 Samuel 31 : 1-7
4. Arm bearer to Saul - 1 Samuel 31: 1-7
5. Ahitophel - II Samuel 17:23
6. Zimri - 1 Kings 16:15-20
7. Judas - Matthew 27:3-5

My grandfather sent this clip on suicide to us out of the paper:
Q. Please help me understand "why" some people actually commit suicide. We've all been depressed at one time or another, but how does someone get that low?
A. People who attempt suicide are searching for a way to stop emotional pain. The individual is so focused on their fears and circumstances that they tragically believe death is preferable to life. Those who do this only want to excape, find a permanent solution to their problems and believe that their friends and family would be better off without them. However the reality is that suicide affects loved ones for generations and leaves more pain in its wake than it alleviates. In situations where someone is considering suicide, prompt intervention is vital.

If we could relive that day on September 28, 1999, I don't know what we would have done different. One thing I do know is that our hearts are broken. Our family would love to spend one more day with Jason. We all love him so very much. His memory of all the good times, and bad times will live on in our hearts and minds forever.

The angels carried him to Abraham's side (heaven) Luke 16:22a
