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We Love You

This page is for all of the people who have lost a sibling. If you have lost a brother or sister and would like to put a picture of you and them on this page then e-mail me at

Me and Jason

Callie and Jason

Will You Know Me?

Will you know me
When I get to your home?
When I walk through the gates
Will you call me your own?
Will you say, My sister?
Or, HI! What's your name?
Will I look different?
Will you look the same?

How will we act?
Will it be like before?
Will we laugh again
Til' our sides are sore?
Will the love be like it should
Between a sister and a brother?

Or will it be as if
We just met one another?
When I get there
You'll never be alone
Will you know me
When I get to your home?

Ashley and Her Brother Kory