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Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

With all the cheats for this game, you must start the game where your name is "_Wampa__Stompa" (the underscores are spaces.) Remember there is one space before Wampa and TWO spaces before Stompa. Also the W in Wampa and S in Stompa must be CAPITALIZED. Also the controller must be in traditional setting.

Debug Mode

1. Begin playing on any level and press pause.

2. Hold down ALL of the following: all C buttons, Z, L, R, and Control Pad Left.

3. While holding all these down, push the analog control stick HALFWAY to the left, and hold it and all of the other buttons until you hear a 'Donk' sound. (about 5 seconds)

4. Repeat step 4 again, holding the analog control stick halfway to the right, and wait until you hear the 'Donk' sound.

5. repeat again to the left, again to the right, and again to the left.

6. Pink text should appear at the top of the screen. Use L and R to change options. Some options require pushing the control stick Up and Down to change, press A to activate them.

7. To get the cheat menu back, pause the game repeat step 3 and hold the control stick to the left or right.

NOTE: If you use these codes wierd things WILL happen and you might get you stuck in the game.

Become a Wampa, AT-ST, or Snowtrooper

To Drive an AT-ST: Play through the battle of hoth until the AT-STs appear. Press Left on the control pad (not the control stick) and Right C-Button simultaneously and then press Up on the pad. Now press C to scroll through the game views. The over-the-shoulder view of your snowspeeder will be replaced with an over-the-shoulder view of an AT-ST! Use the control pad to steer and Up on the pad to fire.

To become a Wampa: Play on Medium difficulty level or harder. In the escape from eco base stage, press Left on the control pad and the right C button simultaneously and then press Up on the pad. Use the right C button ot switch between Dash and the Wampa, press Left, Right and Up on the control pad to move, and press down to swipe at the enemies.

To Become a Snowtrooper: In the escape from eco base stage, press Left on the control pad and the right C button simultaneously and then press Up on the pad. Use the right C button to switch between Dash and the Snowtrooper. As the snowtrooper, press Left, Right, and Up on the control pad to move, and press down ot fire your blaster. Once you take over a trooper, he wont hurt Dash, even if you switch back. The health and power meters on the screen will be for Dash, not the trooper.