Before we get started with this page, I want to make sure you all know that I'm NOT a BSB fan. I had promised to go with a friend before all my cancer stuff started to happen, and thats how I ended up here.....
Ali and Me!
Here is the starting point... which boy should be where?
Okay, the BS? boys!
Yes, I know, somewhere out there little girls "fancy" the BSB, but for me, BS is more like it!
Harry rules!
We just had to include "Harry", Alison's hampster. His hair is way cooler then mine will ever be. Check out his butt fro's!
Top View
Okay, here's the top of my head. Notice that "Brian" is the main Alison's man, he got to be in the front, and is the only one that I knew the name too!
Now turn...
And the back view of my head...or the shot that shows my head looks like an egg!
And turn again..
And now the side (because we have to get ALL the guys in!
The Artist and her artwork!
Alison did a great job! Even if I'm not a BSB fan! I was the most decorated girl there!!! Oh, and you can see my scar from my biopsy too! Look, there..on my neck!
Tiff and me!
Okay Tiff, your online now! I think we were just too hot to be at that concert, you in your leather, and me and my artwork!
I AM a rock star!!!!
Us again!
I have to say, I had a wonderful time, even for being the BSB! And, I think we both have great smiles!
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