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Charlie's Angels, at it again! Relay for Life 2004

So I may not yet have last year's photos up, but I'm working on it. Enjoy 2004 photos! Oh, and the team raised just over $1000 bucks! Go team!

Survior's Lap

Mom and I waiting for the first lap, the cancer survivor's lap, to start. Go us!

Princess waffle head?

I have the princess crown, just not the waffle head anymore, which is a good thing too!

And an hour later.....

We played catch (sort of) with Nathaniel for what felt like an hour anyway. Let just say he slep good that night.

Our Team Baton

A new idea for relay this year was team batons. And yes, it does say "magic anal probe." My dear sweet sister came up with the name when I was holding the pipe before it was all dectorated, and she asks, "What the heck is that, an anal probe?" And the story was born..... go figure!

Air mattresses Rock!

Nathaniel and I, hanging out on the monster air matress!

Dad resting..

So this is dad crashing in his new chair for relay this year...

Which looks quite a bit like last year..

So I found 1 photo from 2003 relay, and it's dad sleeping, hee hee!

Best Buds!

It was a little hot, and very muggy, but that didn't keep us down!

Dinner Party!

Thanks for everyone that came out to visit at relay, we had a fun dinner of Ba-Ha Fresh while we all ate off the coolers. Hmm, maybe next year a table will be in order? Oh, and maybe some plates too?
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