Ethical Breeding and Ethical Breeders
Thanks to the internet, I find that buyers are becoming more informed about the importance of purchasing from an ethical breeder.
When looking for that life long companion,keep in mind that you are spending a little extra for a healthy, happy dog.
Ethical breeders do lots of research before deciding on a combination.
They also question their new prospective owners, making sure they have done their homework. We want you to be happy with your new Springer Spaniel.
We at Majic Kennels will only sell our pet quality puppies with a spay/nueter contract and our show prospects with the stipulation that they will not be bred until they have achieved an American or Canadian Championship AND that they be at least 3 years of age before breeding.
(this is encouraged by the parent club, The English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association.)
You get the promise of a healthy puppy to the best of our ability. Should the unfortunate happen we offer a full refund if you return the puppy or 1/2 of your refund should you decide to keep the puppy.
Puppies are raised in our house and new prospective owners are allowed to visit from 3 weeks old, on.Once their eyes open they move out to the dining room where they are socialized with us and visitors!
Puppies leave us at 10 weeks old. They will have 2 sets of shots and their eyes checked by a certified opthamologist.
We also offer a $25 cash refund for every title earned from either the American Kennel Club or the Canadian Kennel Club.This can be in agility, obedience, tracking or the conformation ring. You have only to prove to us that you have earned the title.
When you go in search of your new puppy, ask about health checks that any informed,ethical breeder does.
Such as, in Springers:
Eye cerfs on puppies
Did both parents have yearly eye cerfs?
Did both parents have an OFA rating of good, or better?
Are both parents Champions?
Are both parents at least 3 years old?
Here are some other sites that will help you ask all the right questions, as well as some ethical breeders I would reccomend you talk to.
Information on Ethical Breeding
10 Rules of Ethical Breeding
Breeders Definitions~How to untangle all that doggy talk
Learn about English Springer Spaniels
English Springer Spaniel Rescue
Real Hard Core Facts About Honest Breeders
My Rant On Local Puppy Mills
Other Trusted Breeders
Goldcamp Springers
Darkover English Springer Spaniels
Kalwa Springers
Felicity English Springers
Serenade Springers
Ashwyn Springer Spaniels
Aldwyn English Springer Spaniels
Siobhan English Springer Spaniels
Hell Fire Field Bred English Springers. Find Your Next Hunting Companion!
Obediant dogs are good dogs!
Dalene's Obedience School