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From Carol O'Dell, White Iris [2007]—"Tamara’s mentorship program offers writers the support and stimulus they need to complete writing projects they believe in. She can pull from the author a work they didn’t even know was there. I discovered aspects that surprised me about my process and vision as a writer. Tamara’s mentorship doesn’t turn the author’s work into something they won’t recognize—which is what so many editors do—she showed me how to make it more uniquely my own."

From Shawn M. Davis, Sandcastles [2008]—"Each week Tamara gives thoughtful, insightful and phenomenally helpful feedback. I have been impressed by the quality of her coaching, as well as the resulting quantity and quality of my writing. The overwhelming impression I get of Tamara is that she cares: she cares about fiction, about Magical Realism, and she exhibits a genuine caring to help me be the best writer I can be, to help my book be the best book it can be."

This mentorship, valued at $2000*, will be awarded annually, and on a competitive basis, to a single applicant who is able to demonstrate:
    • a deep commitment to completing their work in progress

    • strong writing skills

    • a desire to learn and to succeed

    • a good understanding of the magical realist nature of their manuscript

Postmark deadline for receipt of all application materials for the 2010 mentorship session is October 31, 2009.

Email deadline for receipt of all application materials for the 2008 mentorship session is midnight [Pacific time], October 31, 2009.

Benefits of the Magic Carpet Ride mentorship
The winning applicant ('apprentice') will enjoy one-on-one interaction with Tamara Kaye Sellman, professional editor, creative writing coach, and founding editor of Margin, the world's only anthology devoted to literary magical realism, and Periphery.Online, a magical realist zine.

Tamara offers not only a commanding mastery of this challenging literary category (as both writer and editor), but personable enthusiasm and professional experience as a writing coach and editor. This makes her the astute choice for writers challenged to find assistance in writing a breakout magical realist novel that's fresh, multilayered, powerful, and true to their unique vision.

While Tamara is patient, supportive, and good-natured, she is also driven to bring out the best in her students. She accomplishes this through tailored mentoring sessions that speak to the specific challenges and dreams of individual students.

The apprentice who receives her professional and personalized guidance will find the experience as motivating, educational, and challenging as any advanced university workshop, without suffering the tuition, the lengthy time commitment, the commute, and the uncertain dynamics of a group experience.

Note: Because there is always the possibility that more than one applicant will qualify for this annual mentorship, all finalists will be offered a reduced rate on selected coaching and editorial services offered by Tamara through Writer's Rainbow.

*This mentorship is awarded for services rendered and has no redeemable cash value. It cannot be refunded in full or in part.


Welcome to MRCentral's exclusive creative writing mentorship program

Tamara Sellman, director of MRCentral, announces the third annual Magic Carpet Ride, an innovative one-on-one creative writing mentorship.

The purpose of the Magic Carpet Ride mentorship is to assist a promising magical realist writer from anywhere in the world in the completion of a polished manuscript by the end of the session which can then be actively submitted to potential publishers. This competitive opportunity is the first of its kind to provide specialized instruction, direction, and motivation specifically for a writer of literary magical realism.

The Magic Carpet Ride mentorship commences the first full week in January of every year and progresses for 16 weeks. During that 4-month period, the apprentice will receive 40 hours of professional assistance in completing their magical realist novel. Of that 40 hours, 16 will be spent in weekly one-hour interactive online sessions with Tamara (an additional 8 hours will be committed to manuscript review and/or critique).

Tamara will use the remaining 16 hours of mentorship time allotted the apprentice to give a close reading and analysis of the apprentice's original work in progress, as well as assist the apprentice in various other ways to complete and polish his or her novel. These services could include a second or final draft analysis or a final manuscript groom (if it's deemed ready for market).

Apprentice requirements
Potential apprentices must:

    • be fairly fluent in English (as a second language is fine)

    • meet reliably and on time for 1-hour weekly meetings held online during the assigned mentorship period

    • have access to a reliable Internet connection

    • provide all manuscripts in either Microsoft Word document format or Rich Text Format

    • give weekly word-count and progress reports to their mentor

    • be prepared to provide samples of work during the mentorship to verify progress

    • accept homework and reading assignments, as necessary, as part of their mentorship when such exercises are meant to improve both the apprentice's progress and performance

    • provide postage for any hard-copy manuscripts they want returned to them via surface mail


How to apply

Potential writers will be asked to submit, either by surface mail or in email,

*Please do not send any other documents or manuscripts than those requested above; they will not be reviewed, nor will they be returned.

For more information

**Single-sided, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

***The manuscript that will be the focus of the mentorship


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Last updated 2009/06/12