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About the MRCentral Entry Form
Applicants' answers to these questions clarify goals, establish what they know or still need to learn about their projects, and generally cement their commitment to the project.
For the mentor, the applicants' answers offer a sense of their known strengths and weaknesses, provide some solid background on the projects at hand, and clarify the shape of the writers' creative process.
Please answer all the questions as completely as possible, even if they don't "fit." The most important thing for the applicant is to keep these aspects of content, process, and productivity at the forefront of his or her creative mind. Even an estimate creates an open door for meeting goals.
Take plenty of time to answer these questions. Feel free to answer them, set them aside, then check back and revise based upon second thoughts. The more information that can be thoughtfully conveyed through these answers, the better the mentor can serve the apprentice.
To submit your Entry Form by surface mail, send typed responses with registration fee check made out to MRCentral by no later than October 31, 2009, to:
Or, pay your registration fee online!
Please click on the button below to process your registration fee.
Potential apprentices must submit their answers to these questions as part of the application process for the Magic Carpet Ride mentorship.
ATTN: Mentorship 2009 Entry
PMB 204
321 High School Road NE, Ste D3
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 USA
Members must indicate their membername at the Magical-Realism Yahoo! group in order to claim the lower fee. Please visit the group to recover your membername.
Attribution. You must attribute the work in a manner specified by the director.Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Noncommercial Use Only. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform or build upon this work.
Reuse and Distribution. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.