2002-2003 FICTION: Janice Eidus, Brian Evenson, Wyatt Bonikowski, Gayle Brandeis, Cantara Christopher, Gaye Jee, Sondra Kelly-Green, JL Navarro, Ozzie Nogg, Nnedimma Okorafor, Robert Pope, Lia Scott Price, Tamara Kaye Sellman, Isabelle Sojfer, Bruce Taylor, Ian Wild, Carol Zapata-Whelan NONFICTION: One Hundred Years of Solitude 35th anniversary tribute, Hazarding Chance: Angela Carter's Wise Children, magical realism at world's end, cuentos de fantasmas, review of Saudade, a brief history of magical realism, creative nonfiction from Carol Zapata-Whelan POETRY: Kelli Russell Agodon, James Bertolino, Katherine Grace Bond, Anita K. Boyle, Mary Victoria Dombrowski, Catherine Hammond, Michael Hettich, Christina Hutchins, Mary Elizabeth Parker, Simon Perchik, Marjorie Rommel, Anne Selden, Katherine Soniat, Virgil Suárez, David Thornbrugh
2000-2001 FICTION: Anjana Basu, Brandy Bauer, Peter Damian Bellis, Joe Benevento, James Bertolino, Richard Cody, Lawrence Dunning, Normandi Ellis, Atar Hadari, George Harrar, Kathryn Kulpa, Roberta Kusiak, J. Robert Lennon, João de Melo/tr. Gregory Rabassa, Lianne Mercer, Peggy Munson, Dorene O'Brien, Mary Overton, Susan San Miguel, Catherine Scherer, Sandi Sonnenfeld, Anne Spollen, Wayne Ude, Dennis Vannatta, Katherine Vaz NONFICTION: Toward a North American magical realism, Margin's mission, Gregory Rabassa, Teaching magical realism (in three stories by Borges, Fuentes and García Márquez), Being John Malkovich, Arabian Nights miniseries, creative nonfiction from Zelda Leah Gatuskin, Unbreakable, Ismaël Kadare, José Saramago, Cortázar's reality, What do American readers know about magical realism?, George Saunders review, a conversation with Isabel Allende POETRY: Maureen Tolman Flannery, Marjorie Maddox, Marian McDonald, Matt Schumacher, Franz Wright
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