W I N T E R   2 0 0 5

"Young buds sleep in the root's white core."
—John Keats, Faery Songs I, 1818

ILLUSTRATION: "Botanical Composition #4" © 2005 Beatriz Inglessis, Venezuela. Permission to reprint this image granted by the artist.

ARTIST'S STATEMENT: "This body of work is an endeavor to relate to the ambiguous space between science and art, imagined reality and observed reality. For this I establish a direct interaction with botanical life forms. The rare, common, grotesque and beautiful forms of nature are my guides. After collecting a wide variety of botanical specimens from Venezuela, I combine different elements of plants to create an hybrid organism. This new organism is scientifically accurate in terms of structure and representation, yet it is fictitious. Working in the traditional methods of scientific illustration, I have created a catalogue of a hybrid plant world that is in constant metamorphosis, adapting and being altered according to its own internal and external necessities. In the scientific realm, as the rate of genetic modification accelerates, and the boundary of form and function blurs, my hybrid organism becomes more of a possibility of what could be. This work is intended to exist in both scientific and artistic environments. To see all work, please visit my website." —Beatriz Inglessis

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