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Art Gallery

Welcome to my Art Gallery!

The art-works you will see posted on this site,
were made by me through Windows' Paint application.
They're not perfect, but this was the first time I tried
my hand at creating art with a computer graphics software -
it's not easy drawing with a Mouse!

I've also included art-works that I made the old-fashioned way - by hand.

I hope you'll enjoy what you see.


Paint Art-Works

  • Art-Work 1

  • Art-Work 2

  • Art-Work 3

  • Art-Work 4

  • Art-Work 5

  • Art-Work 6

  • Art-Work 7

  • Art-Work 8

  • Art-Work 9

    Hand-made Art-Works

  • George Clooney Sketch

  • Munkustrap Sketch

    Holiday Art Gallery

  • Christmas

  • If you have any comments to make about my art-works,
    please leave them through my E-mail address by clicking on
    the Mail box below.

    Thank you!

    Background image courtesy of:

    Thanks for visiting!

    Other Personal Websites:

  • Home Page
  • The Beatles Trading Card Gallery
  • Famous Washington State Natives and Residents
  • The Food Page
  • Major League Singles
  • The Musicals of Michael Gruber
  • The Unofficial Marcus Lovett Website
  • Movies Filmed in Washington State