I understand that participating in a sport such as paintball is a hazardous activity and involves a substantial risk of injury. In signing this release for myself, or as a guardian for the below-named individual, I acknowledge that I understand the intent hereof, and agree to, and will completely waive and release and also absolve, defend and hold harmless the Paintball Slaughvvs, Ice Gliders, and Dragon Sports paitball (which includes all refs, and owners). present both on and off the premises, singly and collectively, from and against any blame or liability for any injury, misadventure, harm, loss, inconvenience, or damage suffered or sustained as a result of participation in the sport of paintball, or any activities associated therewith. I shall abide by The 10 Unbreakables, the rules of play, and practice courtesy and safety in any paintball-related activity.
I have read and fully understand the information presented above.
Participant Information:
E-mail Address*:
Parent/Guardian Contact Information:
Signature of Participant:
Signature of Parent/Guardian (If under 18):
First Name:___________________________
Last Name:____________________________
City/State:__________________ Zip Code:_____________
-Parent/Guardian Name:
--First Name:____________________________
--Last Name:_____________________________
-Home Phone Number:
-Work Phone Number:
--May we contact you about Future Games? Y N
____________________________________ Date:_____________
___________________________________ Date:_____________
*Optional Information