This section will mostly be about prime numbers.
My facination with prime numbers dates back to seventh grade when the teacher gave us a list of all the prime numbers between 1 and 1000, and asked us to find a pattern. If we were successful we would be given extra credit. If one of us had found a pattern we would have recieved more than just extra credit. The fact that my math teacher so carelessly left out was that mathimaticans have been trying for nearly a thousand years to find a pattern in prime numbers and have all failed. I think I was the only student that took this asssignment seriously.
Although I now know that the majority of mathimatians say there isn't any pattern to prime numbers, I have not been able to let it pass. I still try to relate every thing I learn in math to prime numbers. So, here it is. Everything I've learned about prime numbers.
A prime number is any integer(a number without a fractional part), greater than one, whose only divisors are one and it's self. Some examples of this are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. Two is a prime number because the only numbers that will divide into it are 1 and 2. Six, on the other hand is not a prime number, because both 3 and 2 divide into it.
One meathod for testing if a series of numbers has a pattrn is to use a meathod called (insert name of meathod).
I am working on a prime number program which will out-put a list of prime numbers to an output file and do some other things as well. It is mostly done but I won't put an executable version on this site till it does a few more things.
Here are some equations that will give the first n+1 prime numbers when n is the highest power in the polynomial.
x^2/2+ x/2+ 2