Two things today: First is that we have a new email address: plunkrock@hotmail.com. Second, we are getting an 8 track recorder really soon and that means that our very first CD will go into production soon. Of course, it will probably only be one copy since we're not famous or anything. But the good thing is that we'll post some or all of the songs from it as MP3's so you can download them and finally hear what we sound like! We'll keep you posted as to when we start and finish the CD. We are still tossing around ideas for the album title (not that we need one) but mainly what order the songs will be in.
Today we got the 8 track recorder and are going to record our first CD soon so expect MP3s before the end of summer.
Well, about a week ago someone broke into the plunk website and completely messed up the home page. The bright side is, it gave me a good opportunity to redo it! Anyway, I hope everyone likes the new links on the homepage, they took forever to make (Thank my brother for letting me use his Adobe Photoshop to make them).
We are going to play in the Connell Fall Festival in like six days or something, so we gotta practise. See yah. Also, I was stupid and forgot the password for the Plunkrock@hotmail.com address, so just email us at natethegreatest@hotmail.com now.
Kay, we are playing in the Fall festival on Saturday, the 9th in five days, for sure. Just wanted to exact the date and stuff. Be sure to come, even though no one ever reads this news page anyway.
Two cool things: First off, we played pretty well in the Fall Festival and we thank everyone who heard us and we had a guest bassist (Josh Doolin)play too. Second: We got a perminent bassist! Steven Hilmes is our new bass player. He will practise with us every Wednsday. Pretty cool, huh? You can check out Steven's page here.
We have three songs recorded now.
Skateboard Factory, Ghish, and (dont laugh) Jazz Intro. That last one is a real track, but its about 30 seconds long and is meant as a joke. Skateboard Factory and Ghish are punk songs. We are making progress, not much i guess (considering we practise once a week), but a little. Anyway....