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Hello, I thought I would provide you with some information about me, the "webmaster" of Glorify His Name. :)
My name is Jaime and I am 16 years old. I live up here in Washington, and yes, I DO like the rain.
I would consider myself to be a very devoted Christian, and I thought this site would be a great opportunity to witness about the wonderful love of God.
I must continue to stress that I am NO expert on the Bible..but I am doing my best to provide you with my knowledge on this website. The one thing I CAN do is instruct you on how to accept Christ, which is what matters most!
I love to dance and I LOVE to horseback ride! I also really like doing things on the computer (like designing webpages:)).
I love to shop, when I have $$$, and...well there are a LOT of things I like to do, but I won't bore you with that right now. :)
If you ARE interested in knowing more about me, you can visit my other website by clicking here.
I just want to thank you for coming to the Glorify His Name website, and if you have any questions, comments or concerns you can email me.
Once again, thank you for visiting Glorify His Name!

This is me. :)

Proud to be a
