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Yu Yu Hakusho

Fan Fiction

A Killer's FaceXOver w/ Witch Hunter Robin
Debts RepaidXOver w/ Inuyasha
DemonsLabelled a monster and tormented beyond sanity...who, precisely, is the "demon"?
Gone Today, Here TomorrowDeath is only another the afterlife, can Kurama battle his inner demons?
HomeHome is where the demon's core is.
HumanXOver w/ Stargate: AtlantisStarring Hiei and Kurama on Atlantis. Why does Teyla feel so unsettled by their presences? Does anyone care?
Inner StrengthWT fic ( = wishful thinking) Kurama defeats Karasu.
Melting the Heart of IceXOver w/ Inuyasha
PossessedIs Kurama responsible for a series of vicious attacks on various, innocent humans? Read to find out. Or not, since it's not up yet.
RivalsYomi versus Kuronue in a battle over Kurama's heart. May include violence and general angst.
SacrificeIs life worth more than any reward? Kurama's views on the matter seem to have changed a bit...
Strange MisconceptionsXOver w/ Law and Order: SVU
Ties of FriendshipSelf-sacrifice is a difficult choice to make. Will Hiei, Yuusuke and Kuwabara make an exceptional sacrifice for their mutual acquaintance?
True Face of the MonsterThe Black Black Club is still up and running in this AU. Its target? Kurama. But does Sensui also have his sights on our favorite demon pair?
WestXOver w/ Buffy: The Vampire Slayer