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Poems written by *me*

Knowing that You know Things

Written by Nick Ervin

It's a feeling that noone can explain

A description that sounds lame

What can you tell someone?

When they laugh and turn their back around

They point the fingers and the vision clings

Because of knowing that you know things

What can be said, have any thoughts?

Is there a lesson to be taught

This world is sucky enough as it is

Why can I do this

I look into my mind and see these things

Knowing that you know things

I used to think that I knew what I needed to know

I had it figured out and so

Noone could take away my knowledge

But I was proven wrong and it pushed me to the edge

And I wobbled there just looking

Knowing that you know things

It's a scary thought by itself

And for some reason I don't allow myself

To reach out in the darkness and find a hand

I'm scared of being shot down, left there and

hearing the fat lady sing

Knowing that you know things

I'm waiting in the hole

Of eternal darkness alone

There's no light in sight

I just might pick a fight

With noone but myself and my happenings

Knowing that you know things

When the help comes along and reaches near

I wonder if its better to be left here

And suffer for the rest of my life

With nothing but my brain and rock as sharp as a knife

What happened to me and my seeings

All because of knowing that you know things.

A Forever Love

It started with a small flame

grew into a love which was not a game.

Our love we thought, would last forever,

but in reality, we knew it could never.

Love letters, filled with words of joy

we clearly knew that love's not a toy.

Our young minds could not be told

that through the distance our love would not hold.

We knew it would be difficult

but we thought our love had no fault.

There's no doubt our love's not real

for it's true and that's how we feel.

"I'll always love you" is what you said

But how can I love with you in my head

while knowing that you are no longer mine

and still try to pass through the time?

Years from now when our lives are stable

maybe both of us will be more capable

to have a relationship that we can handle

and we can relight our love candle.

Now is not our time to be together

But please don't forget that I'll love you forever.


A tear fell as the time came

The time to say goodbye.

All I could think is that I love you and all the reasons why.

The words couldn't come out as I tried to speak,

As more tears fell from my rosey cheek.

I swallowed then said, "I have to say goodbye"

Then you tried to calm me down, but I began to cry.

The tears kept falling although I didn't care

I just wanted to hear you,

To see if you were there.

I didn't want this time to come and I wish it had not.

My heart felt extreme pain and my stomach was in a knot.

I'm going to miss our talks and I don't know what to do.

As I lay in bed each night I'll look into the night sky

And know you're sleeping safely too.

It's going to be difficult to do

since I already miss you!

To love you

Where there is love there is life,

and if I know what love is,

it is because of you.

I love you not only for who you are

but for what I am when I am with you.

Love does not consist of gazing at each other,

but in looking in the same direction.

Earth is the right place for love.

I don't know where it's likely to go better.

To love you is a choice,

a choice I make from moment to moment

The best choice I can make.

You learn to speak by speaking to run by running,

and just so you can learn to love, by loving.

Those who think to learn another way,

deceive themselves, for,

whoso loves,

believes the impossible.

Through the Distance

This smile upon my face is there because of you.

This love in my heart has never felt so true.

When I look into your eyes true happiness is felt

As your smile gleams, my heart begins to melt.

The minutes spent with you are more precious than any.

Especially since the distance doesn't allow too many.

But no one said it would be simple,

loving you from a distance.

So I promise I won't let go and ruin this only chance.

I'll unconditionally love you forever,

that's promise I will always keep!

Perfect Day

I woke up to a bluebird's song

Refreshed from a good night's rest.

I ate the breakfast my mother made

Was dressed and ready to look my best.

I took a walk to the sandy beach

Under the sun where the children played.

I greeted my love with a meaningful kiss

Together we walked, on the blanket we laid.

I told him the words of my loving heart

As we walked along hand in hand.

We talked for hours into the warm night

And wrestled around in the soft sand.

He walked the long way to my home

Through the flower fields of open space.

He kissed me softly in the moonlight

And I went to bed with a smile on my face.

A Summer's Evening

The fresh smell of a summer's storm

sitting outside while the evening's still warm

streaks of lightening seen miles away

the sun is going in after a hot day

numerous clouds pass over my head

as I sit outside before I go to bed.

The moon rises as darkness falls,

lightening bugs twinkle as nightime calls.

rolling hills continue for miles afar

in the dark sky stands a solitary star.

I wish I may, I wish I might,

I wish my wish to come true tonight!

The Passion of Love

The smell of the air and the taste of the kiss

evolves around me in the evening bliss.

With this I call, the Passion of Love.

His strong hands are the safest place

to be held so close in a sweet embrace.

With this I name, the Passion of Love.

A tender kiss placed on the breast

as his heart is kept close to my chest.

In this I find, the Passion of Love.

I feel so alone and no one's there,

to listen to me say that no one cares.

The thoughts and fears erase from my mind,

and suddenly I seem as though I'm blind.

The world fades away as his body draws near.

As he opens my soul and removes the fear.

I deeply love him for which he may not know,

That I care so much and I'll never let go!

Please look a little deeper

Please don't judge me by my face, by my religion or my race.

Please don't laugh at what I wear or how I look or do my hair.

Please look a little deeper-

Way down deep inside, and although you may not see it

I have a lot to hide.

Behind my clothes, the secrets lie

Behind my smile, I softly cry.

Please look a little deeper and maybe you will see

the lonely girl that lives inside me.

Please listen carefully to her-

She'll show that she's insecure.

Please try to be a friend to her and show her that you care.

Please just get to know her and maybe you will see

that if you just look deep enough you'll find the real me.

--Tiffany Trutenko

I'll have more later! So come back to check it out!
