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Obituaries prior to 1900

The following is a collection of newspaper obituaries and death notices that appeared in newspapers prior to the year 1900.

Death Notice of Josiah Stearns, New-Hampshire Gazette, Aug. 7, 1788:

Departed this life, on Friday the 25th ult. the Rev. JOSIAH STEARNS, of Epping, in the 57th year of his age. On Monday following, his remains were decently interred, after a pertinen and affecting discourse, delivered to a large solemn assembly, by the Rev. Mr. Noyes of South Hampton, from Matthew xiv. 12. 'And his disciples came and took up the body and buried it, and went and told Jesus.'
In him, the people of Epping have lost a laborious and faithful pastor - The church, a judicious councellor, and the world a faithful friend. He was truly one of those great and good characters, which at once excite admiration and command esteem. In his family, he practised a conscientious exactness - Much affectionate tenderness was apparent in his conduct towards his amiable consort. A truly christian parental affection, appeared in his being careful, thorough, and reasonable in the government of his children; of consequence was reverenced, loved and obeyed by them with cheerfulness. He justly merited the character of a good Patriot. During his late troubles and embarrassments, he invariably displayed an uncommon attachment to, and ardent desire for, the cause and welfare of his country.
By means of an excellent genious, and many years close application, he acquired a large fund of knowledge. Divinity was his favorite study, in which he greatly excelled. He had an uncommon acquaintance with the sacred writings, which eminently appeared in all his public performances. His large acquaintance was divinity, and the great pains he took in composing his Sermons, rendered him an instructive, plain, entertaining, and profitable preacher. He ever appeared master of his subject; and placed truth in a light, clear and convincing.
His prayers although generally long were by no means formal; and always expressed with respectful gravity, decency and propriety. - Mr. Stearns died of a Cancer, which had been troublesome to him for several years; notwithstandinig which, he continued to preach tho' frequently with great difficulty 'till the 9th of April last, which compleated the 30th year of his public ministry; when sensible of his approaching dissolution, he delivered his dying discourse, and took an affectionate leave of the dear people of his charge. He preached as though he never should preach again, and as a dying man to dying men. Submission to the divine will he ever considered in his life, conservation, and doctrine, as absolutely necessary to the enjoyment of his God. This he particularly and eminently exemplified in the last destroying stages of his disease; by a serene, thoughtful, composed mind, and steady patient submission to the will of his Creator - no discontented expressions, no appearance of a murmur ot the last. The great doctrines of revealed religion were what he generally dwelt upon in the sacred deck, and they were professedly his support, in the near view of his own dissolution.
Help Lord of the godly man ceaseth.

Obituary of Moses Thurston, The New Hampshire Gazette, Apr. 29, 1800:

DIED] - At Hollis, N.H. April 6, Mr. Moses Thurston, aged 80. It is worthy of notice that he walked to meeting in usual health; and after meeting, he attended a conference, at which he appeared more than usually animated. It fell to his lot to make the concluding prayer, in which exercise he was exceedingly fervent, and until the last sentence which he uttered, he spoke with more than usual vigor, when his voice failed, and he would have fallen, had he not have been supported by a friend - and immediately expired without a groan or firaggle. The scene was truly solemn and very affecting to beholders, who might well have exclaimed, "mark the perfect man, and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace." His funeral was attended on the Wednesday following, by a numerous concourse of people, and a well adapted Sermon was delivered on the occasion, by the Rev. Mr. Smith, from Genesis, v. 24.

Death Notice of Sally Stearns, Farmer's Cabinet [Amherst, NH], Dec. 16, 1802:

In this town ... Miss Sally Stearns, daughter of Mr. John Stearns.
Death Notice of Aaron Phelps, The National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser, Jul. 6, 1804:

DIED - At Suffield on the 25th of June last, at an advanced age, Deacon Aaron Phelps of that place.
Death Notice of Blossom Cannon, Columbian Centinel, August 27, 1806:
In Canandaigua, (N.Y.) Mr. BLOSSOM CANNON.
Death Notice of Sarah (Ruggles) Stearns, The New Hampshire Gazette, Apr. 12, 1808:

At Bedford, (Massa) the 2nd instant, Mrs. Sarah Stearns, relict of the late Rev'd Josiah Stearns of Epping, N.H. aged 76.
Death Notice of Moses Thurston Jr., Massachusetts Spy, or Worcester Gazette, Jul. 12, 1809:

At Westminster, suddenly of apoplexy, on the 29th of June, Deacon Moses Thurston, aged 69.
Death Notice of Jeremiah Dearborn, Independent Chronicle [Boston, MA], Apr. 25, 1816:

In Kensington, Mr. Jeremiah Dearborn, aged 73.
Death Notice of Lucy (Upshaw) Waring Sthreshley, Commercial Advertiser, Mar. 3, 1818:

In Kentucky, Mrs. Lucy Sthreshly, 45.
Death Notice of Josiah Tilton, American Advocate and Kennebec Advertiser, Mar. 4, 1820:

In Cornville, on the 13th ult. Capt. JOSIAH TILTON, aged 76, formerly of Deerfield, N.H.
Death Notice of John Bixby, New England Palladium, Jul. 28, 1820:

In West Boylston, Mr. John Bixby, aged 73.
Death Notice of Hannah (Locke) Dearborn, Boston Daily Advertiser (Boston, MA), Oct. 26, 1820:

In Kensington, Mrs. Hannah, wife of the late Mr. Jeremiah Dearborn, aged 73.

Death Notice of Andrew S. Crocker, Boston Commercial Gazette, Jul. 30, 1821:

In Haverhill, N.H. Andrew S. Crocker, Esq. aged 78.
Death Notice of Theophilus Rundlett, New Hampshire Patriot, Dec. 16, 1822:

In Sandbornton, of consumption, Mr. Theophilus Rundlett, aged 38.
Death Notice of James Tucker, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Oct. 23, 1826:

In Deerfield, Aug. 10, Mr. James Tucker, aged 55.
Death Notice of Shuah (Thurston) Freese, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Apr. 2, 1827:

In Deerfield, Feb. 20, Widow Shuah Freese, in the 80th year of her age. Pious, charitable and respected in life, her death is lamented by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Death Notice of George A. Tilton, Salem Gazette, Feb. 16, 1830:

In Danvers, George Augustus, only child of Mr. George Tilton, aged 10 months.
Death Notice of James Wadleigh, The Portsmouth Journal & Rockingham Gazette, Mar. 6, 1830:

DIED. In Sanbornton, James Wadley, aged 75.
Death Notice of Nathaniel Wadleigh, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Apr. 14, 1834:

In Meredith, Nathaniel Wadleigh, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 75, on Friday the fourth instant.
Death Notice of Hannah B. (Fuller) Tilton, Salem Gazette, Aug. 26, 1834:

In this town, on Sunday morning, Mrs. Hannah Tilton, wife of Mr. Samuel Tilton, aged 26.
Death Notice of Sarah T. Tilton, The Portsmouth Journal of Literature & Politics, Nov. 22, 1834:

In this town ... MISS SARAH T. TILTON, aged 23, formerly of Deerfield.
Death Notice of James Wadleigh Jr., New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Aug. 24, 1835:

In Sandbornton, Captain James Wadleigh, 53.
Death Notice of Enoch Wadleigh, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, June 25, 1838:

In Epping, June, 6th, of lung fever Enoch Wadleigh aged 70.
Death Notice of Jonathan Taylor, The Portsmouth Journal of Literature & Politics, Aug. 28, 1841:

In Sandbornton, Mr. Jonathan Taylor, aged 77.
Death Notice of William Norris, Portsmout Journal of Literature & Politics, Oct. 23, 1841:

In Deerfield, Oct. 18, MR. WM. NORRIS, formerly of Lowell, Mass. aged 28.
Obituary of John Stearns, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Feb. 9, 1843:

Another patriot of the Revolution gone. In Deerfield, Jan. 23, 1843, (of a paralytic shock,) John Stearns Esqr. aged 81 years and 7 days. The deceased was a son of the Rev. Josiah Stearns formerly pastor of the Congregational Church in Epping. His remains were consigned to the grave the subsequent Wednesday, attended by a large assembly of friends and relations, when an appropriate discourse was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Hidden of Deerfield, of whose church the deceased was a worthy member; from Rev. 14.13. In the struggle for Independence, Mr. Stearns, although but a youth of hardly sixteen, fired with zeal for the liberties of his country, and frowning with indignation upon the unjustice of the British Parliament, shouldered his musket and marched to the field of battle; entered the service of his country under Washington as a private soldier. He was stationed at West Point when the infamous Arnold concerted a plan with Maj. Andre, to deliver up that Post to the British Army; was at, and saw the execution of Maj. Andre, &c. He remained in the service until honorably discharged, and by the late law of congress granting pensions to soldiers of the Revolution, he obtained a pension for life. He has left an aged widow and a large circle of relatives to mourn the loss of an affectionate and beloved husband and a kind and tender parent. Society has lost one of her brightest ornaments, and the Church to which he was united, one of her most exemplary and worthy members, and the public a valuable citizen and faithful christian. Printers in Maine and Mass., are requested, &c.
Death Notice of John Owen, The Pittsfield [MA] Sun, May 4, 1843:

In Chatauque County, N.Y. Feb. 24th, Mr. John OWEN, a native of Salisbury, Ct. aged 107 years. He served in the old French War, and in the Revolution. At the age of 91 he would mount a horse from the ground.
Death Notice of Dudley Freese, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, May 11, 1843:

At his residence in Deerfield, on the 15th of April, Hon. Dudley Freese, in the 56th year of his age. A few weeks previous to his death he had a partial paralytic shock, and from that time gradually declined. The bereaved family mourn the loss of a kind husband and father; from the church is removed an efficient and useful member, and from community a worthy citizen. And while it is desirable to have his usefulness prolonged, to him it was gain to die, having left a good evidence that he has fallen asleep in Jesus and that his rest is glorious.
Obituary of Jacob Freese, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Aug. 24, 1843:

In Deerfield, very suddenly, at his residence, August 14th, HON. JACOB FREESE, aged about 65 years. The subject of this obituary notice was born in Deerfield, in October, 1778, and continued to reside there until the time of his death. He was a republican in principle- was possessed of sound judgment and discriminating mind - of a benevolent disposition and of uncompromising integrity. His character was such as to gain him the esteem and good will of his fellow citizens, among whom he has held many important office. As early as 1811, he was elected one of the Selectmen of his native town, which office he held, at intervals, for ten years. From 1817 to 1829, he was, for several years, a member of the House of Representatives. In 1830 and 1831, he was a member of the Senate; and in 1832 and 1833, a member of the Council for the Rockingham district. In every situation in which he has been placed in society - whether in the domestic circle or in the public councils, his conduct has ever been marked with the most scrupulous rectitude. Liberal and generous in this nature and high minded in his feelings, he looked upon meanness or duplicity, wherever it might be found, with the utmost abhorrence and contempt. In 1838, he became a professor religion and united himself with the Congregational church in Deerfield of which he continued an active and exemplary member until his death. By this dispensation of Providence, his family has been bereaved of a kind and affectionate husband and father - his townsmen of an active and humane citizen - and the public, of a useful member of society. Jacob Freese lived and died an honest man, which is 'the noblest work of God.'
Death Notice of Sarah (Lane) Stearns, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, May 22, 1845:

n Deerfield, April 44th, in the 80th year of her age, Mrs. Sarah Stearns, relict of the late John Stearns, Esq.
Obituary of Abigail (Hayes) Wadleigh, New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, Mar. 8, 1849:

At Meredith, Jan. 27, Mrs. Abigail Wadleigh, widow of the late Simeon Wadleigh, aged 86 years and 4 months.
Obituary of Mrs. Mary Grant, Clarksville Weekly Chronicle (Clarksville, TN), June 1858:

Mrs. Mary Grant, born Nov.7, 1789, age 68 years 7 months 26 days. Died June 30, 1858 near Port Royal, Montgomery Co. Daughter of Joseph and Nancy Wheless who died in this county several years ago. Joined Baptist Church Oct., 1804. Married Zachariah Grant on Dec.27, 1810. She leaves a husband, three sons and three daughters. She is Buried at Old Grants Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery.

Death Notice of Anna E. Wilkinson, Oregon Sentinel (Jacksonville, OR), Apr. 25, 1863:

DIED In Manizaneta precinct, April 18th, 1863, Anna E., infant daughter of Capt. Wm. E. and Narissa Wilkinson.
Death Notice of Charles F. Armstrong, Oregon Sentinel (Jacksonville, OR), Aug. 13, 1864, Pg. 3:

Died - At the residence of his parents, two miles from Jacksonville Monday, August 8th, at 10 o'clock, P.M., Charles Francis, son of R.C. and M.J. Armstrong, aged 5 years, 7 months, and 8 days.
Obituary of Mrs. Mary Hatfield Plymale, Jacksonville Democratic Times (Jacksonville, OR), Friday, April 9, 1875:

DIED. PLYMALE --- At the residence of F. M. Plymale, April 3, 1875, of Paralysis, Mrs. M. A. Plymale, aged 71 years, 1 month, and 26 days.

Farewell, our darling mother,
Our tears are flowing fast;
For what we cherished fondest
To-day from us has passed.

And oh! how deep our sorrow
When we knew that she must go,
When we knew the "hand of wisdom"
Had willed that she must go.

But our sorrow must be chastened
In submission let us swell
The grand Angelic anthem,
"He doeth all things well."

We know that thou are numbered
With dear ones gone before,
Among his brightest jewels
On "Canaan's happy shore."

The scales of earth have fallen
In sweet celestial light,
You have realized the promise,
"Let the blind receive their sight."

So may your Angel presence
Be with us ever still,
To help us bear our sorrow,
And help us do His will.

Farewell, then Angel mother,
While your loss we do deplore,
We hope for blest reunion
Upon the "shining shore."
April 5, 1875.

Obituary of Catherine Crobarger, Jacksonville Democratic Times (Jacksonville, OR), Fri., April 23, 1875:

DIED. -- CROBARGER - At the residence of Col. Wm. J. Martin, Cow Creek, Douglas county, March 4th, Mrs. Catherine Crobarger, aged 97 years, 2 months and 16 days.
Obituary of William H. Merriman, Jacksonville Democratic Times (Jacksonville, OR), September 21, 1877:

DIED. MERRIMAN -- In Manzanita precinct, September 16th, Wm. H. Merriman, aged 52 years, 6 months and 13 days.
W. H. Merriman, an old resident of this section, died at his residence in Manzanita precinct on Sunday last, after a protracted illness. He was buried the Tuesday following under the auspices of the Patrons of Husbandry. A large concourse followed his remains to their last resting place.
Obituary of John R. Whitlock, Unknown newspaper Chrisitan Co., KY, March 1878:

Died of pneumonia, at his residence in Christian County, Ky March 7, 1878, Capt. John R. Whitlock in the 81st year of his age. He was born in Buckingham County, Va, March 13, 1797; moved to Green County, Ky in 1810 and from there to Christian County in 1816; married and settled the place on which he resided at his death, having lived there more than sixty years. He spent a portion of his early life in teaching school, but was principally engaged in farming.

About the year of 1833 he united himself with the Baptist chuch at Salem, and filled the position of Deacon for more that forty years. He was an exemplary Christian, a leader in the church, punctual in attendance, noted for his liberality in its support and every charitable object connected with it, in all of which he took the deepest interest. He was kived and honored by all who knew him. A shining light, just such as God would like his child to be. It is needless to say nothing was wanted in other relations of his life with such a true and pure christian gentleman. As a husband, kind, affectionate and faithful; as a father, devoted, liberal, and indulgent; as a citizen, an ornament to society, cultivated, public spirited, frank and just in all his dealings, an arbitrator and peace-maker of all troubles among his neighbors.

Obituary of Reuben H. Thurston, Mankato Free Press (Mankato, MN), April 1880:

An Old Settler Gone-Sudden Death of R. H. Thurston.

R. H. Thurston died suddenly, at his residence on his farm, near Garden City, on the morning of the 13th, in the 74th year of his age, having been born in Vermont, Dec. 11th 1806. His mother was twice married, her first husband, being a Wheeler, and her oldest child was the father of Hon. Wm. A. Wheeler, Vice-President of the United States. Emigrating early to Ohio, he became one of the most enterprising and thrifty farmers of the central portion of that State. He came to Minnesota in the spring of 1856, and bought the old Vauslyke pre-emption near Garden City, which was his late residence. His contemporaries in that early settlement, were E. P. Evans, John B. Skinner, Edson Geary, John Tompson. Geo. Lamberton and E.T. Mills. In 1827 he married to Miss Mary Brooks, sister of the Rev. Dr. Cyrus Brooks, of St. Paul. Of this marriage there were nine children, most of them are well known in this county; Dr. Irvin H. Thurston, Mrs. Mary E. Snow, of St. Paul, Mrs. Sarah H. Cowgill, of Iowa, Mrs. Rose L. Baker, former wife of Gen. J.H. Baker of Mankato, C. B. Thurston, of St. Paul, Mrs. Callie F. Finch, Frank Thurston, and Charlie E. Thurston. Mr. Thurston was well known throughout his whole life, for his independance of thought and liberal views. In early manhood, he belonged to the oldschool of Ohio abolitionists, and at a time when it required boldness and courage to maintain such a position. His peculiar liberal views were well known in this county, and in the days of his full mental power, there were few indeed who cared to encounter his keen logic. His whole life was morally without spot of blemish. To those who knew him intimately, the rectitude of his life and the principles of scrupulous faith and honor which governed him, placed him in the front rank of tried and trusted men. Indeed, as men go, he was a remarkable character, and his name and memory will be sweetly cherished by those who knew him well.

Obituary of Robert C. Armstrong, Jacksonville Democratic Times (Jacksonville, OR), Fri., Nov. 5, 1880, Pg. 3:

ARMSTRONG - Near Jacksonville, October 30th, of heart disease, Robt. C. Armstrong; aged 53 years, 9 months and 18 days.
Obituary of Mary Foust Brown, Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf (Clarksville, TN), January 26, 1883, Page 1:

Mrs. Nelson Brown died at her home in the Rudolph neighborhood last Tuesday from injuries resulting from a fall about 6 weeks ago. She was quite old, and was greatly respected by her acquaintances. Her remains were interred at Bethel Church on Wednesday afternoon. An aged husband and a large family of children mourn their loss.

Obituary of Nelson Brown, Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf (Clarksville, TN), January 16, 1885, Page 1:

Mr. Nelson Brown, an old citizen of the Rudolph neighborhood, died at his home Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, aged 76 years. For a great many years Mr. Brown had been a resident of this county and was highly respected by all who knew him. He was a kind husband and father, a consistent member of the church, a faithful mason and a good citizen. He leaves a family of grown children. Mr. Brown's remains will be intered at Bethel Church this morning at 10 o'clock.

Obituary of James Murray, Uknown newspaper Jacksonville, OR, circa May 1885:

Death of James Murray Died - At his residence in Manzanita precinct, Jackson County, Oregon of paralysis of the heart, age 65 years, 4 mos, 3 days. Mr. Murray was born in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania 30 Dec 1819 and moved to Illinois in 1845 where he was married in 1850 to Flora Ann Barklow. Moved to Oregon in the fall of 1871 and settled on a farm where he lived until his death. He was baptized in the Methodist Episcopal faith but in later years...

Obituary of Irvin H. Thurston, Mankato Free Press [Mankato, MN], July 8, 1887, Pg. 3:

Dr. J. H. Thurston, of Garden City, died at his residence in that town yesterday. The deceased was an old and prominent citizen, and one of the pioneer settlers. He was a brother of Frank Thurston, of Garden City, and of C. B. Thurston, of St. Paul, and a brother-in-law of Gen. J. H. Baker. He settled in this county in 1856, and had always been a respected and esteemed citizen. He sold his place in Garden City some time ago and went to Florida, but returned last winter and h ad been in poor health ever since. His death is deeply deplored by all who knew him.

Obituary of James Custer, Madison Courier (Madison, IN), July 11, 1887:

Mr. James Custer, one of the most highly respected citizens of the county, died at eleven am Sunday at his home, near Michigan Road, 8 miles north of this city. He had been failing in health for several months and death was the result of a general breaking down of the system, no specific diseases manifesting itself. He was born near Lexington, Kentucky, Dec. 15 1796 and in April 1814 came to Indiana with his father, locating on the farm where his death occurred. He married a sister of Mr. Isom Ross, of this city, the result of the union being 13 children, eight girls and five boys. The remains were buried this afternoon at Hebron Cemetery.

Obituary of William R. Taylor, Lebanon Pioneer (Lebanon, IN), Feb. 20, 1890:

TAYLOR, William Riley

Died Sunday at his home near Hazelrigg in Jefferson Township. On his way to Thorntown on Tues. of last week, he suffered a partial stroke.
Born in Union Co., Ind. Oct 7, 1817. He came to Boone Co. in 1832 and entered the land where he died. He married Elizabeth Beck in 1832 and Eliza Caldwell in 1875. Three children survive him, William R., Francis M., and James L.
Mr. Taylor was one of the wealthiest farmers in the county. Before deeding a part of his land away a few years ago he had a farm of about 650 acres.
The remains were buried in the family burying ground near the old home.

Obituary of Nora (Plymale) Johnson, Ashland Tidings (Ashland, OR), Fri., Oct. 16, 1891:

Mrs. Nora Johnson, wife of E. S. Johnson, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Plymale, died at her parents' home in Medford last Tuesday morning of heart failure, aged 23 years. Mrs. Johnson suffered with St. Vitus dance when a young girl, which left her with organic heart troubles which resulted in her early death. Fourteen months since, she was happily married to E. S. Johnson, and they had made for themselves a home with all its surroundings pleasant and their future bright.
Obituary of Jane Wilson, Unknown newspaper Sangamon Co., IL, 1892:

Mrs. Jane Riddle Wilson, wife of Thos. Wilson, died at her home, two miles west of Buffalo Hart, at 5:45 p.m. Friday evening. She had been an invalid twelve years. Mrs. Wilson was 64 four years old. She was born in Logan county, Ohio, and was a daughter of William H. and Maximilla Riddle. She came with her parents to this county when 9 years old. She was married to Thomas Wilson in 1850, Jan. 15. For four years they lived in Springfield. She was universally beloved and respected by her neighbors and friends, and leaves many relatives in various places to mourn her loss.
The funeral will take place at 11 a.m. to-day at the house, and the remains will be interred at the Wright cemetery, near Riverton. The funeral sermon will be preached by the Rev. Erastus W. Thayer, of this city.

Obituary of John F. Taylor, Lebanon Pioneer (Lebanon, IN), Apr. 25, 1895:

Taylor, John F.

A prominent farmer, died at his home one mile south of Thorntown, Monday of pneumonia. He was sixty three years of age, the son of Louden Taylor and brother to James and Riley Taylor, all well known citizens of this county. Mr. Taylor's wife died about a month ago. Surviving him are two children, Claude Taylor and Mrs. Newt Neptune. The deceased was a member of the Prebyterian Church. Burial at Cox cemetery.

Obituary of Flora Barklow Murray, Medford Mail (Medford, OR), Thursday, June 12, 1896:

Death of Mrs. Murray

Mrs. Flora A. Murray, age 70 years, died at her farm residence four miles east of Medford, last Friday, after a short illness. Mrs. Murray was an old resident of this valley, having emigrated to this county in 1870, where she has since lived. Her husband died about eleven years ago and since that time she has devoted her time to the management of her husband's affairs. Although her health had been failing for sometime past, her death was not expected and was a great shock to her family and numerous friends which she had gathered around her by her kind disposition and winning ways. She leaves a family of seven grown children among whom are: Mrs. G. F. Merriman, Samuel Murray, Mrs. Milton Maule, and Mrs. Sarah Gorden. The funeral services were held at her late residence after which the remains were taken to the Central Point cemetery for burial, followed by her family and a large concourse of friends, where she was laid to rest in the family burial lot. The funeral services were preached by Rev Brower of Ashland, an old friend of the family who crossed the plains with them in an early day. The afflicted family have the sympathy of a host of friends in their hour of trial and grief.

Obituary of James L. Taylor, Lebanon Pioneer (Lebanon, IN), Jan. 18, 1896:

The will of the late Jas. L. Taylor of Hazelrigg, was probated on Monday. It was dated March 16, 1892 and witnessed by S. L. Cason and Squire Jacobs. All personal property and real estate, consisting of 160 acres near Hazelrigg to his wife, Margaret E. Taylor, who is made the executor.
Grand daughter: Gertrude Taylor
Son: George P. Taylor
Other Children: John W., Albert T., Dewitt G., William N., Thos. L., Chas. E., Frank H. and Abraham S. Taylor and Mrs. Maud E. Hollis.

Obituary of George S. Farren, Jacksonville Democratic Times (Jacksonville, OR), Mon., Aug. 31, 1896:

In Medford, Aug. 25, 1896, of consumption, Geo. Farren, youngest son of the late Sol. and Pauline Farren; aged about 20 years.
Obituary of Josephine (Martin) Plymale, Medford Mail (Medford, OR), June 23, 1899, Pg. 3:

Mrs. Josephine L. Plymale was born in Platt County, Missouri, on June 3, 1845. Her girlhood was passed on a farm, where she received such advantages of education as the schools of that day afforded, and of these she availed herself to the best of her ability. She afterwards devoted herself to teaching and in this vocation she achieved success. She rendered very valuable service to the young people who were growing up around her.
Early in life she formed the acquaintance of W. J. Plymale, which acquaintance soon ripened into mutual esteem, culminating in their union for life in the holy bonds of wedlock. Of this union were born four daughters and eight sons, all of whom survive her, except one son who died in infancy.
Mrs. Plymale was possessed with considerable literary talent and was the correspondent for the Daily Oregonian and the Ashland Tidings. She was an active worker in the Rebekah and Madrona lodges and a faithful member of the Methodist Church.
Mrs. Plymale was taken ill in December and her sufferings were intense. Her death was untimely and a community mourns her loss. Rest in peace.

Obituary of Emmaline (Utter) Taylor, Lebanon R(eporter?) (Lebanon, IN), Nov. 6, 1899:

TAYLOR, Mrs. Emmaline

Widow of the late James L. Taylor of near Hazelrigg died yesterday at the home of her son Wesley Taylor in Thorntown. Cause of death was cancer of the stomach. About 69 years of age and was a native of Tenn. She was a daughter of Abraham Utter, she spent most of her life on the home place near Hazelrigg. Eleven children were born to her as the result of her union to James L. Taylor. Ten survive her: Neal of this city, Clint, Frank, Slipper, Albert T., Thomas, Charles and Doc Taylor of near Hazelrigg, Wesley of Thorntown and Mrs. Maude E. Hallis of Paris, Ill.
She also leaves three sisters and two brothers. Mrs. Nancy M. Sason of K. City, Mo., Mrs. Sarah Purk of Clarence, Ill., Mrs. Mary J. Kiser of Indianapolis, S. J. Utter of Lebanon, Joe and Thomas of near Marper, Kan. Member Baptist church.
Burial at Taylors cemetery.