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About Me
Hey, my name is Shawn, I live in Colfax, Washington, I am 17 years old. I've been aggressive skating for about 3 years now. I've been rollerblading in general for 4 years.

Other than blading I like rockin out on my guitar, hanging with my friends, listenin music, computers, dancing, partyin, girls, ect.

I'm always messing around on the net, and my comp. If i'm not doing stuff with my friends and what not.

I'm real big into music. i love punk & rock, i like everything else except most gospil, opera, or some 80's, but other than that, it's all good, but punk rock, and metal are my favorites. Linkin Park is my favorte band. they absolutely rock!

When, or if, i grow up, i would like to do something in the music industry, i would love to be a producer, you know the dude who's behind that big board with all the buttons and stuff when an artist is recording, yeah, that's gonna be me.

well, thanks for reading about me, most people really don't care, but thanks for your time!
take it easy

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