My Life

Well, here is where I will tell about me.
About my experiences and important things in my life.

This is nowhere even close to being finished, so if you are interested, I suggest you visit me again...hehe.

I was born on December 20th, 1972 and I have 4 wonderful children.
They are:
Anthony: age 8
Nicole: age 6
Jonathon: age 5
Junior: age 3

I was born in Seattle, Washington.
I was raised in Lynnwood, Washington but spent most of my time in Seattle.

My Education

My first school was Rich Whitman Elementary through 2nd grade.
I then went on to Concordia Lutheran Elementary which was in Seattle.
After graduating from the 8th grade, I then went on to Sno-King Lutheran High School which was based in Edmonds, Wa.
I graduated from Sno-King in 1990.
After High School, I attempted attending college twice.
Once at Edmonds Community College and once at Everett Community College.
I dropped out both times.

My Health

When I was born, I was born with 6 holes in my heart and a defective heart valve(aorta).
Doctors agreed that it would be best to wait until I was a full grown adult before doing anything to correct my problems.
Over time, the holes that were in my heart had all healed up but the valve was still defective.
I then had siezure problems as a small child. This was not related to my heart condition.
This problem eventually, after some years of medication for it, went away.
When I had reached 7th grade, my doctors told me that I could not participate in any school sports for fear that it could make things worse.
I then went against their wishes in 8th grade and played a year of basketball for my school.
After graduating from the 8th grade my parents took me on a trip to Europe.
(which I will expand on later)
Returning from our trip, I experienced some serious problems on the plane which required a stopover in New York to take me to emergency.
After spending a couple of weeks in the ER in NY, the doctors told my parents that there was nothing they could do and that I was not going to survive.
My parents then decided to take me home so that I would be comfortable when it happened.
Well, when we got home, I felt great. But my doctors felt that it was time to do some surgery.
Not making it to full grown adult, I had my first open heart surgery at the age of 13.
During that surgery when they had my open, they realized the problem was alot different from what they had expected.
They had found that not only was my aortic valve defective, there was an extra tunnel that should not have been there and never seen before that was pumping blood in all different directions other than the right way.
So, they decided to try something that wasnt a sure thing. They plugged up the extra tunnel in hopes of solving my problem.
Well, in that next week while in recovery from surgery, my pulse had gotten so strong that it tore apart all of the work that they had done to my heart.
They had to go in again.
They proceeded with the second surgery. This time replacing my aortic valve as well as plugging up the tunnel.
Thinking that things were all back to normal and I could live a normal life, I started High School.
About 6 months after my first 2 surgeries, I had gone in for some tests and they found that something was wrong.
So, again, with having the tests done, they found that the valve was tearing away.
I went in again, for yet another surgery. Number 3.
Then, again, about 6 months later, after some tests, they realized something was wrong again.
The same problem as before. The artificial valve was tearing away.
So, I needed a 4th surgery.
So, I had my 4th surgery, and a speedy recovery since I was becoming an expert at these things and went home.
Things were going well for about 15 years.
I then began to experience Ventricular Tachycardia.
To learn more about VTach, you can go here or here.
Now, in order of you to understand this problem, I will be doing some research to add in here.
V-Tac is very similar to a heart attack.
Symptoms are increased heart rate, sweats, chills, chest pain, loss of consciousness, etc.
Some symptoms I have never experienced, such as the loss of consciousness. Which is quite amazing.
I have baffled MANY paramedics and doctors.
So, I was having this problem and it was occuring maybe once a month to twice a month.
It landed me in the emergency room a couple times and I decided I needed to give up one of my vices.
Caffiene is what I quit. Not the worst, but its not a good thing for a person with a heart condition.
This seemed to help some, but actually it did not. I began having them again.
I would say that I only called an ambulance 25% of the time while having these episodes. Most of the time I was able to calm myself down and relax my body enough to make them go away.
Over the next few years, it steadily got worse.
The chances of me stopping them on my own were slimming and the percentage of time I was calling the ambulance had increased to over 50%.
By the time I was 26, I had given up drinking and drugging. I had hoped this would help.
But things continued to get worse and worse.
My last stretch of episodes required me to call for ambulance assistance about 8 times in a 2 week period.
I could no longer stop them on my own. Each time I needed help.
Now, realizing the seriousness, I checked into the hospital to have some tests done(which were all new or I would have done something years ago).
At the result of these tests, the doctors decided to put me on some new medications which were to regulate my heart rate and keep me from having my episodes.
This has worked for about 7 or 8 months now. I have not had any problems....Thank God!
Although I am now on medication, my doctor has informed me that I am in need of a 5th open heart surgery.
2 more holes have appeared in my heart and I also need my aortic valve replaced again.
If I do not get this surgery within the next year, I will be at 100% risk for heart disease and I will not live more than 10 more years.
Although, it is not a defenite thing, whether or not the surgery, along with all of my medications will solve all of my heart problems.
There are some things that I have skipped or could have been discussed in more detail. I will be getting back and filling in the wholes as soon as I can.

My Employment

Places that I have worked....brace yourselves...hehe.

My first job was Claire's Pantry as a dishwasher. Lots of fun. $3.85 was minimum wage then.
Second job, I was working for the City of Edmonds. I was helping set up for the Edmonds Arts Festival and once it started I was Garbage Detail.
Now, my third job. Union job. Grocery Bagger for Safeway.
I then went on to Fast Food. I worked at Arby's Roast Beef. Yumm. Boy did I enjoy that one.
Exxon gas station was next. I closed shop. Great shift.
After that, I turned 18 and began working for Godfathers Pizza as a delivery driver. I found my calling...hehe.
I went from there to Hoagies Corner/7-11 Deli. Working the graveyard shift.
From there, I had relocated homes and found a job detailing cars for Bob's Detail. That was cool. Got to drive some nice cars.
Not being very successful in the detailing business, I went back to pizza delivery. This time for Pizza Hut. At the end of my first month with Pizza Hut, I recieved Employee of the Month and a promotion to management.
Then, I went from pizza delivery to tending bar for the Trolley Tavern. This one was really cool. But didnt last too long....
Back to pizza work. I now was working for Godfathers Pizza again.
And, then went on to my 3rd Godfathers after another home relocation.
Got tired of Godfathers and moved onto Dominoes Pizza.
And finally, my final place of employment......AM/PM Mini Mart. Doing the graveyard shift.
NOW....I am happily unemployed.... although this is due to my heart condition.

This is nowhere even close to being finished, so if you are interested, I suggest you visit me again...hehe.

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