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"They do not have castes, as Goreans tend to think of them. For example, every male of the Wagon Peoples is expected to be a warrior, to be able to ride, to be able to hunt, to care for the bosk, and so on. When I speak of Year Keepers and Singers it 'muss be understood that these are not, for the Wagon Peoples, castes, but more like roles, subsidiary to their main functions, which are those of the war, herding and the hunt. They do have, however, certain clans, not castes, which specialize in certain matters, for example, the clan of healers, leather workers, salt hunters, and so on. I have already mentioned the clan of torturers. The members of these clans, however, like the Year Keepers and Singers, are all expected, first and foremost, to be, as it is said, of the wagons namely to follow, tend and protect the bosk, to be superb in the saddle, and to be skilled with the weapons of both the hunt and war."
Nomads of Gor, page 12 (footnote)

"I noted, following me, as I had more than once, a masked figure, one wearing the hood of the Clan of Torturers."
Nomads of Gor, page 147

“Aphris, for her part, though the quivas were still available, seemed, shortly after having begun to sleep at Kamchak's boots, for some reason to have thought the better of burying one in his heart. It would not have been wise, of course, for even were she successful, her consequent hideous death at the hands of the Clan of Torturers would probably, all things considered, have made her act something of a bad bargain.”
Nomads of Gor, page 155

“The warrior on his right wore a robe, much as one might when emerging from the baths. His head was covered by a hood, such as is worn by members of the Clan of Torturers.”
Nomads of Gor, page 193-194

"it is common to call for one of the Clan of Torturers."
Normads of Gor, page 141

But then I realized that this was not true. If Kamchak and her master were not convinced that she had run as well as she might, it wool not go easily with her. She would have contributed to the victory of a Kassar over a Tuchuk. That night, one of the hooded members of the Clan of Torturers would have come to her wagon and fetched her away, never to be seen again. She would run well, hating Elizabeth or not. She would be running for her life.”
Nomads of Gor, page 69

There is a new kaiila I want to see near the wagon of Yachi of the Leather Workers' Clan."
Nomads of Gor, page 170

"When I have time," said Harold, "I will call one from the clan of Scarers and have the scar affixed. It will make me look even more handsome."
Nomads of Gor, page 273-274

'May the Priest-Kings blast your bones,' I shouted, as cheerfully as I could, adding, for good measure, 'and may you thrive upon the excrement of tharlarions!' The latter recommendation, with its allusion to the loathed riding lizards used by many of the primitive clans of Gor, seemed to please him. 'May your tarn lose its feathers,' he roared, 'slapping his thigh, bringing his tarn to rest on the perch."
Tarnsman of Gor, page 78
