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President Karzai

Hamid Karzai


President Hamid Karzai is currently Afghanistan's  president. He was born in 1957 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He went to college in India.  His office and home is in Kabul. He was named the Ruler of Afghanistan after Ahmad Shaw Masoud was murdered by the Taliban. Ahmad Shaw Masoud was another Ruler of Afghanistan during the Taliban Regime, who took over the Northern Alliance. 

In the 1980s he was fighting the Soviet invasions as a member of the  Mujahideen. He was helping organize a Pashtun tribe named the Popalzai. Later he joined the Northern Alliance as the Deputy Foreign Minister.  Karzai joined the Taliban in 1990s, but later as time passed, he realized that the Taliban had too much power over the Afghans. The Taliban suggested that he becomes their Ambassador, but Karzai followed his thoughts, and refused After he refused to be Ambassador for the Taliban his father was murdered after walking home from the Masjit. They suspected Taliban for murdering Karzai's father. 

When the bombing began Hamid went back to Afghanistan to help the anti-Taliban forces. And during the US bombing there was an election in Bonn, Germany on who should be the Interim leader of Afghanistan. And on December 5th, 2001 Hamid Karzai became the Interim leader. Now Hamid Karzai lives in Afghanistan as the Ruler of the country with his wife, Zenat, who he married in 1999; they currently have no children. 

So we should be grateful to have a President that knew that the Taliban were trouble makers. And hopefully Hamid Karzai will make a big difference on the Afghans. And more over, that Afghanistan will live better than the Taliban time period, but, might be better than how it was 20 years ago.