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Cornish Rex
King Henry of the Felines
Cornish Rex
Weight 6-8 lbs.
Overview Cornish Rexes make very playful, affectionate, fun-loving companions that enjoy being part of a busy household.

Their acrobatic abilities are extraordinary; with their extremely powerful thighs, they can easily leap from the floor to the top of the refrigerator in a single bound.

Because they lack one of the two kinds of hair that make up the topcoat, Cornish Rexes seek warmth and love to cuddle. Some have sweet voices, others have more strident ones, but all are talkative.

Appearance The Cornish Rex has a slender body, a deep chest, and long, fine legs. Especially long hindlegs and a naturally arched back contribute to the breed's athletic appearance. The head is egg-shaped, with medium to large oval eyes and large, erect ears set high on the head.

The short, soft coat has a wavy washboard appearance caused by bent, abnormally short awn and down hairs and the absence of guard hairs. Even the whiskers curl. There is a plethora of coat colors and patterns.

Grooming Needs The breed's wavy hairs are easily damaged. Overly vigorous brushing can break the delicate hairs and create bald spots. Cornish Rexes shed minimally.
Origins The Cornish Rex's remarkable wavy coat first occurred as a natural mutation in a barn cat born in Cornwall, England, in 1950. Cat fanciers used inbreeding to select for the wavy coat gene and then crossed Rexes with other breeds to strengthen the stock, refine the build and features, and increase the color varieties.
Other The Cornish Rex's delicate coat does not protect these cats from cold or sun, so don't allow them outdoors.

Breed-related health problems include hypotrichosis (hereditary baldness).

Back Information and images from the ASPCA Complete Guide to Cats, by James R. Richards, D.V.M. © 1999 by Chanticleer Press, Inc. Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco. Links