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Devon Rex
King Henry of the Felines
Devon Rex
Weight 7-9 lbs.
Overview Devon Rexes are busy, inquisitive, playful, affectionate, and extremely people-oriented. They are exceptional leapers and have been known to jump into their owners' arms and ride happily on their shoulders.

Some wag their tails and follow their owners around. They communicate in quiet chirps and trills.

Appearance The Devon Rex is a slender, muscular cat with long forelegs and a broad chest. It is stockier than the Cornish Rex and has a broader head. The Devon Rex's muzzle is short, the eyes are large and wide-set, and the ears are large. The whisker pads are prominent, the whiskers curly, sparse, and short.

The coat is soft, short, and wavy, with a looser curl than the Cornish Rex. There is great variability in coat texture, color, and pattern.

Grooming Needs Groom these cats gently, as their hair breaks easily. In some Devons, an oily or waxy secretion tends to build up around the nails and in the folds of skin; affected cats require bathing every few weeks.
Origins The Devon's wavy coat was a natural mutation in a field cat found in Devon, England, in 1960. As with the Cornish Rex, fanciers inbred to select for the wavy coat, then outcrossed for vigorous health and color variety.
Other The Devon's delicate fur will not provide protection from cold or sun, so don't allow them outdoors.

Breed-related health problems: hypotrichosis (hereditary baldness); patellar luxation.

Back Information and images from the ASPCA Complete Guide to Cats, by James R. Richards, D.V.M. © 1999 by Chanticleer Press, Inc. Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco. Links