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Turkish Angora
King Henry of the Felines
Turkish Angora
Weight 8-10 lbs.
Overview The Turkish Angora is an ancient natural breed that has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity since its reintroduction to the West in the 1960s.

Graceful, playful, loving, loyal, and gentle are words enthusiasts use to describe this cat. Angoras are also extremely busy, always on the move. They'll check in with you for about five seconds--until something else catches their attention.

These resourceful cats will invent their own toys if none are provided and have been known to play with dust motes.

Appearance The Angora is a small to medium cat, lithe and fine-boned, with a long, graceful body and a long, plumed tail. The large, erect ears sit high on the head and close together. The eyes are large and almond-shaped. The head is wedge-shaped.

The glossy coat is medium-long and silky, with a thin undercoat that is not prone to matting. Hair is longest on the tail, ruff, and back legs. All-white Angoras may have been the most popular representative of the breed in the past, but Angoras of many colors and patterns are gaining in popularity.

Grooming Needs
Origins The Angora was found residing in Turkey by the 1400s in the region surrounding the city of Angora, later named Ankara.

This aristocratic-looking cat was exported to the estates of European nobility during the Renaissance. Angoras and Persians competed against one another at the early cat shows in England, but by the end of the 19th century, the Persian had edged out all other longhaired competitors, including the Angora.

In the 1940s the Turkish government (in conjunction with the Ankara Zoo) began a program to collect, preserve, and protect the traditional all-white Angoras. In 1962 an American couple bought a pair of the zoo's Angoras and imported them to the United States.

Other breeders followed suit, and by 1970 the Turkish Angora was reintroduced to the show ring.

Other All-white Angoras with one or two blue eyes may be partially or totally deaf, a tendency common to blue- and odd-eyed white cats of other breeds as well.
Back Information and images from the ASPCA Complete Guide to Cats, by James R. Richards, D.V.M. © 1999 by Chanticleer Press, Inc. Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco. Links