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King Henry of the Felines
Height 26-28 inches
Weight 60-105 lbs.
Life Span 12-14 yrs.
Overview This quiet, elegant, graceful dog gets along with adults and other dogs, especially if socialized at an early age. It may not, however, get along with children.

Early obedience classes are recommended since the borzoi can be stubborn and sometimes snappy. While the borzoi may be tolerant of cats indoors, it will chase and perhaps kill them or other small animals when outdoors.

Appearance The coat is long and silky and either flat, wavy, or somewhat curly on the body, but short and smooth on the head, ears, and front of the legs. The frill on the neck is thick and curly; feathering on the hindquarters and tail is long and profuse.

All coat colors and combinations are seen; the most common are black and white; black, tan, and white; liver and white; tan and white; and white with orange or lemon spots.

Grooming & Exercise Borzois need to be brushed every other day to prevent matting. They also need several brisk daily walks on a leash or in a fenced-in area.
Origins The swift and powerful borzoi--once known as the Russian wolfhound and thought to be descended from the greyhound, saluki, and a Russian working dog--was bred in the Middle Ages to hunt in pairs for wolves. It is now bred for its reserved companionability.
Other Breed-related health concerns: bloat, hypothyroidism, sensitivity to anesthesia, progressive retinal atrophy.
Information and images from the ASPCA Complete Guide to Dogs, by Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld, V.M.D., with Jacque Lynn Schultz. © 1999 by Chanticleer Press, Inc. Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco.