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Curly Coated Retriever
King Henry of the Felines
Curly Coated Retriever
Height 25-27 inches
Weight 65-85 lbs.
Life Span 10-13 yrs.
Overview The curly-coated retriever is devoted to its master, does well with children if socialized to them at an early age, and gets along with other animals.

It may be aloof (but not aggressive) toward strangers. This hunting dog should begin obedience training early.

Appearance The unique coat is a thick mass of small, tight, crisp, close-lying curls that are dense enough to protect against weather, water, and harsh vegetation. Coat color is black or liver.
Grooming & Exercise Curly-coated retrievers need to be brushed a few times a week. They love long runs and retrieving tennis balls and other objects from the water.
Origins The curly-coated retriever, which originated in the 19th century, is thought to be descended from a mixture of the English water spaniel, the poodle, the Newfoundland, and/or a setter. The result is a dog whose concept of heaven is swimming in cold, icy water to retrieve waterfowl.
Other The curly-coated retriever is not suitable for city or apartment life.

Breed-related health concerns: hair loss, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome.