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Field Spaniel
King Henry of the Felines
Field Spaniel
Height 17-18 inches
Weight 35-50 lbs.
Life Span 12-14 yrs.
Overview Considered the calmest and most affectionate of all the spaniels and a pleasant family companion, the field spaniel is still a relatively unknown breed.

These dogs usually get along with adults, other animals, and gentle children if introduced to them at an early age. Strangers are also greeted warmly, though sometimes with barking.

The field spaniel is very receptive to obedience training. Even though the field spaniel is a sporting dog, it does well in the city if exercised properly.

Appearance The field spaniel's coat is moderately long, flat or slightly wavy, silky, glossy, dense, and water-repellent, with setterlike feathering on the ears, body, and legs.

Coat color is black, liver, golden, or roan, sometimes with tan markings. The ears are moderately long.

Grooming & Exercise The field spaniel's coat needs to be brushed and combed two to three times a week and trimmed occasionally around the head, ears, neck, legs, and tail.

These dogs need to be taken on long walks and given the chance to run in a secure area daily. They also appreciate occasional vacations in the country.

Origins The field spaniel was developed in the 19th century in England to flush birds from the underbrush and retrieve them for the hunter.
Other Breed-related health concerns: hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, hypothyroidism, cataracts.