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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME SURNAME BRANCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


      BORN: 9 AUG 1845 at Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway
        DIED: 26 JUN 1914
   BURIED: Bayview Cemetary, Bellingham, Washington

  SPOUSE: Sarah Elise Kristofer gra Larsen
      BORN: 8 NOV 1851 at Norway
       DIED: 1 MAY 1935
  BURIED: Bayview Cemetary, Bellingham, Washington


     ON May 11, 1903, Andreas purchased lots 7 thru 10 from the Fairhaven Land Company's Third Addition on 26th Street at the corner of Douglas Street in Fairhaven, Washington. He paid $515 for those lots. Later that year, on August 17th, he purchased the adjoining two lots 11 and 12 from the Whatcom County Treasurer for $58. On February 17, 1911, he subsequently sold lots 11 and 12 to his son George for $40. In future City Directories, his family address was listed as 914 26th Street and his occupation was as a laborer.
     ON May 5, 1904, Andreas purchased 60 acres of land at Whitehorn (lots 4 and 5, Section 13, Township 39, Range 1 West) from Daniel Stewart who resided at Walla Walla, Washington. He paid $600 for the property.
     PRIOR to his death, Andreas entered into a community agreement with his wife, Sarah, which served as a will. The partial context of that agreement is:
     COMMUNITY Agreement, Made in duplicate on this 6 day of June, A D 1914, Andras J. Arntsen and Sarah Arntsen, Husband and Wife, were the owners of certain tract or tracts of land lying and being situated in the County of Whatcom, and State of Washington, on this day the said Andras J. Arntsen and Sarah Arntsen are the owners of certain real property lying and being situated in the County of Whatcom and State of Washington, the same being now held in the name of Andras J. Arntsen and, being desirous that said property shall pass without delay or expence in the case of the death of either of the said parties, to the survivor; Now therefore, in consideration of the love and affection that each of the said parties has for the other, it is agreed than in case of the death of said Andras J. Arntsen while said Sarah Arntsen survives, the whole of said property hereinbefore described, together with any and all other property of any description whatsoever, both real and personal, hereafter by them acquired, shall at once vest in said Sarah Arntsen in fee simple; in the event of the death of Sarah Arntsen leaving the said Andras J. Arntsen surviving her, the whole of said property hereinbefore described, together with all property by them hereafter acquired, both real and personal, shall at once vest in the said Andras J. Arntsen in fee simple.
     AFTER Andreas' death, his wife, Sarah, sold part of the property at Whitehorn to her son John. On October 11, 1919, she sold a twenty foot easement on the north side of the Whitehorn property to Tobias Brune (Tom Brown). That easement allowed access to his farm that was later purchased by a Mennonite family, the Wittenbergs. The 1920 and 1930 City Directory showed that their son, Sigurd, lived at the same residence as his mother, Sarah. A month before her death, Sarah sold the family residence on lots 7 thru 10 to her eldest son Sigurd for $95. Her heirs sold the balance of the property at Whitehorn to their sibling John.