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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME SURNAME BRANCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Childhood Teenhood


Adulthood Grandparent
      BORN: Living
MARRIED: 31 DEC 1963 at Redwood City, California

  SPOUSE: Portia Lynne Ernest
      BORN: 29 NOV 1945 at Findlay, Ohio
       DIED: 16 MAR 1972 at Mountain View, California
  BURIED: Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, California


     THE oldest son of deaf parents Harold and Wanda who resided on a rural dairy farm in a Norwegian community of Whitehorn, Wa. Unlike most children, my first words were cookie and water in sign language. With the assistance of my kindergarten teacher, Bess Whitehorn one room school house McMillan, I acquired interaction skills with my fellow classmates.      I spent my first four elementary grades in an old one room schoolhouse in the local community. The teacher of those four grades was Jennie Melseth Aursness. She was in the first class when the Whitehorn school opened in May, 1909. She was the last teacher when the school closed in 1956. She served for sixteen years. Today, there are two generations of men and women over the age of 50 who still recall Jennie as a kind, supportive, and patient teacher and as a person. After that, I completed the rest of my education within the Blaine School District.
     AFTER I graduated from high school, I enlisted in the U.S. Navy. During that period, the Cuban Missle conflict flared up during my boot camp training period. After boot camp, I served in an Aviation squadron whose mission was air transport logistical support of the Vietnam War. I spent the fifth year in the Navy aboard the aircraft carrier - USS Shangri La (CVA 38). My brother Pete was on board with me during that time while the ship cruised the Mediterranean Sea. We toured the nations of Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and Turkey.
     AFTER my enlistment period ended in the Navy, I attended college, got married, and fathered two children - Richard and Timothy. My lifetime profession was in material control field - distribution, warehousing, and inventory maintenance. Within my working lifetime, I have traveled through 46 United States.
     PRESENTLY, I am retired and have a life. During that time, I have traveled through the last four states and the 10 Canadian provinces. In sum, with the exception of the territories, I have traveled through all of the North American continent. I was involved with the Coast Guard Auxiliary and participated in Operation Noble Eagle - the 9/11 terrorist war. I am also a member of a forest trail organization as a trail maintenance volunteer. My goals are: 1-Finish my family research odyssey to pass on as my legacy, and 2-As the originator and Webmaster of this Internet site, to broaden the scope of our family lineage and history and to share that knowledge with those interested.