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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME SURNAME BRANCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


BORN: 8 August 1790 at Iredell, North Carolina ________
MARRIED: _______________________________________________
DIED: August 1873 at Watauga County, North Carolina
BURIED: _____________________________________________

  SPOUSE: Mary Millsap __________________________________


     PRIOR to 1839, Charles and Mary moved to the present day area of Blowing Rock in Watauga County, North Carolina. He acquired two Land Grants, which are as follows:
     1) By a scale of 100 Poles to an Inch. By Virtue of a Warrant No. 6368. Entered the 7th day of February A.D. 1839. Surveyed for CHARLES W. HATTON thirty acres of land lying in Caldwell County formerly Wilkes County on the North end of Bubbaflower flat. Beginning on Lenoir line and Hickory on the waters of the Yadkin thence East ninety two poles to a Cucumber tree thence North twenty five poles to a Stake in Joshua Stories line thence West twelve poles to a Maple Stories corner thence North fifty six poles to a Stake thence West eighty poles to a Stake thence South eighty one poles to the Beginning. Surveyed the 8th day of April 1841.
     2) By a scale of 100 Poles to an inch. By virtue of a Warrant No. 6369. Entered the 7th day of February A.D. 1839. Surveyed for Charles Hatton the 8th day of April 1841 Seventy acres of land lying in Caldwell County formerly Wilkes County on the East side of the Bubbablossom flat on the waters of Dennis Creek East prong of the Yadkin River. Beginning on Lenoir Line and Hickory on the waters of the Yadkin River then North One hundred and fourteen poles to a Cherub Oak thence East Ninety eight poles to a Stake thence South One hundred fourteen poles to Was lake thence West Ninety eight poles to the Beginning.
     THE following is a hand written Will:
     IN the name of God Amen, I Charles Hatton of the County of Watauga and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life, therefore make ordain and publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament; That is to say, first after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged the residue of my real and personal estate, I give and bequeath and dispose of as follows to wit; To my beloved wife, Mary Hatton, the land and appertenances thereon known as the farm on which I now live, it being all the land belonging to said farm and is situated in the County of Watauga lying on the headwaters of the Yadkin river containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less. Also a tract of land situated in the County of Watauga lying on the North side of the Flat Top mountain on the waters of New River containing twenty-five acres more or less and known as the Shugar Orchard tract. During her natural life and after her death to be sold by my Executor for cash and the proceeds of said cash sale to be divided equally between my heirs subject to the exceptions hereafter named to wit:
     TO my daughter Rhoda Moody, an equal share after discounting thirty dollars from her portion which she has already been paid. To my daughter Sallie Moody, an equal share after discounting twenty dollars which she has already been paid.To my son William Hatton's children, five dollars each. To my son Manly Hatten's children, one dollar each, their Father having had his portion herebefore.To my daughter Susane's child to wit: James M. Hamlet, fifteen dollars. To my daughter Salenia Tiege, an equal and unembarrassed portion of all the money for which my estate may be sold. To my daughter Dorcas Tiege, an equal and unembarrassed portion of all the money for which my estate may be sold. All of my personal property which shall remain undisposed of at the death of my wife shall be sold by my executor and the proceeds added to the proceeds of my real estate to be distributed as such in the manner aforesaid.
     LIKEWISE, I make, constitute and appoint my friend L. L. Green to be my executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, the eleventh day of August one thousand, eight hundred and seventy three.
                               Charles Hatten's mark
     THE above written instrument was subscribed by the said Charles Hatten in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us and he at the same time published and declared the above instrument so subscribed to be his last will and testament and we, at his request the testators and in his presence, have signed our names as witnesses hereto and written opposite our names our respective places of residence.
J. C. Cook       Watauga Co.
J. A. Mayes     Watauga Co.

(Separate Page) We, J. C. Cook and J. A. Mayes swear that we saw Charles Hatten execute this instrument of writing to be his last will and testament, that we attested it in his presence and at his request; and that at the time of its execution, he was in our opinion of sound mind and ______________ memory, so help us God.
J. C. Cook                       J. A. Mayes
Sworn to and subscribed before me on 11th day of October 1875
J. H. Hardin
Judge of Probate
Contributed by: Colleen Hunter
Edited by: Dennis P. Arntzen